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Members' Reflections About the Church
What a wonderful privilege it is to help hold up Elijah's hands
and to have a small part in preparing the way for Christ to re­
turn, which shall end mankind's suffering.
A.D. (Somerset, KY)
Please know that your efforts and all your work is sending out
"rays of light" into this darkened world. More and more laborers
are being "hired" for the end-time harvest.
P.S. (Fargo, ND)
Our minister gives us exceptionally fine teaching and he always
has both arms tightly around the trunk of the tree. I'm grateful
to God, to you and to the Church for the island of sanity in this
crazy world.
(Name not available)
Every sermon is like a peaceful river that flows through my mind,
teaching me and reminding me of God's ways.
Mrs. G.K. (Ringling, OK)
This morning I was cutting out a pattern for a dress that I am
It reminded me of the help we have received from the
ministry in studying God's truth. Using a pattern, I am thankful
to have the correct lines and markings before me so that when I
put the pieces together, they will all fit. In the same way, I am
thankful for having the doctrines of God's truth explained so
clearly that in following these guidelines I will end up with the
robe of righteousness mentioned in the Bible.
M.V. (Deer Park, TX)
God is a wonderful navigator. He has a wonderful way of steering
through all turbulence that may be present. He certainly knows
how to take charge at the helm. It is wonderful to be on board
His boat.
B.P. (Suffolk, England)
I have been in God's Church for twenty-four years.
It's as
though I have been under a protective umbrella all these years--a
protection from the world's evils.
C.L. (Chicago, IL)
The Worldwide Church of God, compared to other churches, is like
the ad comparing Coke to other colas. It's the "real thing."
J.B. (Toledo, OH)
The world is a stage and we in the Church have a part to play.
The Bible gives the lines that we should study, learn and live
by. So let us all play our parts right because God can hear and
see us.
F.Y. (Rockingham, NC)
Coming to Understand the Truth
I am 40 years old and for about 25 of those years I was sailing on
rough seas. But since being led to you and my God six months ago,