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Regarding the monthly allotment, when your allotment check is mailed, it is
sent in advance of projected expenses. At the end of the year, the total of
all allotment cpecks will be added to your W-2 form as income. Unless you
can· sufficiently justify to the IRS the business expenses that match the
expense allotments sent you, you will end up having to pay tax on it.
The allotment check is only to be used for Church business expenses. If you
have received more expense money than you actually spent, you should return
the excess to the Church. If you find that your allotment has exceeded your
expense by a large amount, you may need to consider reducing the allotment.
If you want to do this, please include a note to that effect with the check
when you send it.
We need to receive any reimbursement checks� the middle of December in
order to credit the amount to your W-2 statement-.�!£ we don1°t have it by
then we can't be sure the necessary processing will get done. In that case,
your W-2 statement would not reflect the returned money, and you would have
to pay income tax on that amount. You will need to estimate your expense
needs for the rest of the year to know how much to return.
International News
Report From Our British Office Although the year-to-date increase in mail
in Britain and Ireland is just 2.2%, mail income is up 20% over 1982, and
the month-to-date increase is 18%. This is due, in part, to a significant
increase in co-workers (up 18.9% over 1982) and donors (up 10.2%).
PLAIN TRUTH circulation is holding well in this area at around 88,000 (up
19% over 1982) after reaching a peak of 92,000 earlier in the year. Circu­
lation is sustained by a good response to our blow-in subscription card and
Following editorial meetings at Elstree House in June, final approval was
given by Mr. Armstrong for the launch of the seventh language edition of The
Mr. Armstrong has asked that the special 50th anniversary
issue (February 1984) be the launch issue for the Norwegian PT, which can
also be generally understood by the Swedish and Danish peoples. This means
we have to get things moving even faster than we thought, but naturally it
will be wonderful to launch the seventh language edition on the 50th
anniversary as worldwide circulation approaches seven millionl
Mr. Roy Ostensen, who has for some time been working voluntarily from home
as part of our translation group of Norwegian members, was recently
appointed as the Norwegian editor, and will take up the post in mid­
October. It is intended that he will do much of the translating and editing
God's Work in the U.K. would like to express gratitude to God's Work in
Canada for supplying all our newsstand copies since the April issue. The
quantity was increased from 50,000 to 75,000 with the July/August issue,
and these extra copies were used to increase the London distribution to
45,000: Birmingham and Manchester to around 7; 000 each: and to open new
outlets in Glasgow.
Initially, we experienced some resistance in Glasgow. We planned to reopen
outlets used in the seventies in a well-known chain of stores. Our first