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birthdays and all the other pagan holidays and it's appalling to
me to be doing this in God's name. So instead of going to church,
I read your magazine and watch your program on Sunday morning as
J.J. (Mena, AR)
I listen to your broadcast with great interest. You have told me
things I never knew before. You say many times that churches do
not preach such information about the Kingdom of God. You are so
right. Certainly we hear of the many kind and loving works of
Jesus. But they miss the main point--the reason Jesus came. I
turn to your program for that.
I have been lax in the past about attending church. I always
meant to go, but never did. Now I make it a point to attend every
week, but without your program I do not feel I get a complete pic­
ture of Christianity as Jesus meant it.
J.T. (George AFB, CA)
We enjoy your programs on WMCA and WOR radio every night and also
on Channel 9 TV. These messages are a godsend to us, as we are
senior citizens. We get more from them than from going to our
church on Sunday. I'm blind, and it is so hard to travel a long
distance in cold weather. Also, my husband likes The PLAIN TRUTH
and your small booklets.
F.S. (Woodside, NY)
I enjoy your TV programs. I go to church, but every other Sunday
I stay home because I want to hear your programs. I like all of
your literature. I tell all my friends to listen to you each
week. Maybe I will give up going to church because I receive a
lot more from you. I am glad you are on TV. You are the best.
C.K. (Largo, FL)
I watch you as often as I can.
I like you better than most
preachers. I find it very hard to choose a church, because most
preachers are dishonest. Instead of going to church, I often
wake up early on Sunday morning and watch you. Whatever you talk
about on your program I know that you aren't lying because I can
read the Bible to find the same thing. I hope you can continue to
inspire other people as much as you do me.
S.B. (Atlanta, GA)
I strongly believe in what you are preaching, and pray that more
people will begin to believe also. I watch your program on Sun­
day mornings. A lot of times I'll watch your program instead of
going to church. In my church they just don't preach the things
they should (in my opinion, anyway). I've been going there off
and on all my life (I'm 25 now) and I can't ever recall them once
talking about the book of Revelation or the soon coming of
Christ. That's what I want to hear about. I don't know of any
church in this town that discusses these things, but I sure wish
there were. I'm not able to go out of town so I listen to your
program on TV.
S.W. (Fostoria, OH)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center