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Plans are underway
produce an official Y.E.S. certificate for the chil­
dren by the end of the 1983-84 Y.E.S. academic year. Until then, certi­
ficates may be made in the local church area for use in that particular
The professional reproduction and use of the Y.O.U. and Y.E.S.
seals by local churches is prohibited, although the children themselves may
draw them.
More information will be provided in the near future concerning the Y.E.S.
program. Thank you very much for your loyal support and participation. We
look forward to your comments, questions, and suggestions.
--Kevin O. Dean, Y.O.U./Y.E.S.
S.E.P. Building Fund Reaches $150,000
Response to Mr. Armstrong's co-worker letter in which he mentioned S.E.P.
building needs has been overwhelming! Because of the generosity and sup­
port of members and co-workers, the total amount received has now reached
$150,000--three times what Mr. Armstrong wrote would be needed. A number
of this year's campers have written in commenting on how valuable the
S.E.P. experience has been to them. One said it was like a "mini-Feast of
Tabernacles." Another summed it up by saying, "It's the greatest place on
Copies of THE BIBLE STORY--Vol. II for the Ministry
Normally, all new literature is mailed to the ministry by first class mail.
However, since postage rates are determined by weight, costs to mail THE
BIBLE STORY would be considerable.
Therefore, we would appreciate your
picking up your personal copy of THE BIBLE STORY--Volume II at the Feast of
Tabernacles. You should have already received a claim check for the book
with your Holy Day Offering envelopes. Thanks very much for your under­
Telecast Replaces Sunday Church Services for Many
Viewers from other churches often mention that "The WORLD TOMORROW" program
either supplements or completely replaces their regular church attendance.
Some, for one reason or another, are unable to attend church, while others
have come to realize that Mr. Armstrong teaches truths not addressed by
other ministers.
The telecast clearly satisfies a thirst many have for
spiritual knowledge. Following are some of the comments we have received
from such people.
I do not go to church now but I did when I was a child. My mother
always gave us children a dime as our offering and we dutifully
put it in the basket that was passed around. What bothers me is
that the churches (and there were many different ones that we
visited) never told about tithes the way you explained it in your
I am amazed and pleasantly surprised to find your magazine so
frank and that it explains without criticizing. I am proud to
discuss God with my friends and co-workers when I have your very
truthful magazine to back me up on sticky points. Most (if not
all) of the people and churches around me celebrate Christmas,