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An Evaluation Meeting consists of children enrolled in the Y.E.S. program
meeting together, in a classroom situation, under the supervision of an
evaluator. The curriculum for the meeting is based upon the currently com­
pleted Youth Bible Lessons for that month.
The meetings should be conducted by adults, chosen by the pastor, who are
deeply converted and "apt to teach" (I Tim. 3:2). Also, it is suggested
that women who are chosen to conduct the meetings should evaluate levels
one through four or five. Men who are selected to conduct the meetings
should evaluate levels five or six through nine. This follows the policy
set by Mr. Armstrong for teaching students at Imperial Schools.
The organization of these meetings depends upon the facilities available
and the number of youths involved in the program. Because some areas have
several children in the program, all levels need not meet on the same Sab­
bath or at the same time of day. Where it is practical, some levels may be
combined. The time limit of the meetings can be varied to meet the age and
needs of the children.
During the Evaluation Meetings, the evaluator is to discuss with the class
the main points of the lesson. The evaluators may ask questions about the
lesson to prompt discussion from the class, or give comments to further
clarify facts and principles for the children's understanding. Many of the
discussion topics can be derived from the lessons themselves--such as story
flow, questions, pictures, etc. The evaluator may also introduce other in­
formation or activities relative to the lesson if it is helpful and needed.
All added information or extra activities must be approved by the church
pastor prior to initiation.
(If there is a question, please contact the
Y.O.U./Y.E.S. office and we will be happy to help.) The meetings should not
have a "Sunday school" flavor and God's Sabbath must be respected in every
The Bible Memory sections of the lessons should be memorized by the child
and recited during the Evaluation Meetings. If a child/parent finds the
memory work too difficult, or he has not had time to complete it, the child
may continue working on it at home before attempting it again.
The completed lessons are to be collected by the evaluator, checked, and
returned to the children the following Sabbath.
A record of completed
lessons and memorization work should be maintained by the evaluator.
The use of a star chart is a good motivational device to encourage younger
children to complete their work. Also, a bonus star may be given for excep­
tional memory work. Stickers with various encouraging statements, scents
or different colored stars can be placed on the lessons themselves for the
child to take home. The star chart may also be displayed in the Church
Awards and Certificates
At the end of each academic year, awards or certificates may be given to the
children in recognition of their completion of the year's program and their
advancement to the next level.
Certificates should be awarded by the
Pastor and can be presented during the sermonette portion of one Sabbath
service, or as a portion of a Bible study.