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Comments From Monthly Church Report �
I never cease to be
amazed at the understanding these new babes have. The articles
Mr. Armstrong and others are writing are educating them much
faster. As her first question, one young mother asked where we
keep the Feast of Tabernacles. I am currently counseling with
eleven PMs for baptism. We are also seeing several "third-gener­
ation Christians" coming along very well in studying and pre­
paring for baptism.
MIAMI, FL--AL KERSHA: We continue to have improved responses to
God's witness in this area. More people are calling, writing and
wanting visits from the ministry of God's Church. The combined
effects of TV, radio, PT newsstands and Public Bible Lectures are
producing some encouraging fruits. It certainly brings stimula­
tion and excitement to our local area.
God is surely granting growth to
this area. The TV and radio programs are causing people to start
acting. Many four- and five-year PMs are beginning to act who
had not in the past. Mr. Armstrong is (with God's Word) digging,
dunging and trimming up some of these hard-shelled, Bible-belt
ROSEBURG, OR--STUART SEGALL: We baptized a man who remembers Mr.
Armstrong visiting, counseling and anointing his parents when he
was just a boy. Smoking for 35 years held him back, but he over­
came it and now he and his wife are members.
This was a very good month. The
greatest and most rewarding event to ever happen for the Pitts­
burgh area was having the opportunity to host Mr. Herbert W.
Armstrong's visit recently. It was like a one-day F.O.T. with
about 5,000 brethren attending. Everyone--many seeing Mr. Arm­
strong in person for the first time--was greatly inspired and
appreciative of his message.
HOOD RIVER, OR--BRYAN HOYT: The brethren are very excited about
the upcoming Feast in Eugene. They are especially looking for­
ward to seeing and hearing from Mr. Armstrong and celebrating the
50th anniversary of the Church. Needless to say, there have been
very few transfer requests--everyone, it seems, wants to go to
EUGENE, OR--LEONARD SCHREIBER: Most are very excited about the
upcoming Feast and very willing to help.
Nearly everyone is
working now.
Attitudes overall are very positive. We are re­
grouping in our PT distribution efforts in order to try to pre­
vail over the vandalism and resistance in the area.
NORFOLK, VA--EDWARD FAULK: The brethren are very positive about
the Work of God, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and the Headquarters
team. They are especially pleased with the dynamic articles in
The GOOD NEWS and The PLAIN TRUTH. All are looking forward to the
feast days and the joy of hearing our Pastor General.