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it, "a magazine of understanding." I read other religious and
secular magazines regularly for inspiration, information and
enlightenment, but they fail to enlarge my understanding. When
The PLAIN TRUTH arrives, I lay all other reading material aside
and read it from cover to cover because I know I am reading the
truth from you and your fact-finding editors.
(Americus, GA)
I am a preacher and am running short of sermon material. I find
subjects for preaching in Mr. Armstrong's material. Keep up the
good workl
(Mount Vernon, IL)
I teach Sunday school and love your booklets.
I get approval
from the pastor first, then teach the kids. I xerox some of the
material and give it as required reading.
The pastor also
teaches the church some of what he learns from the booklets.
(Suitland, MD)
I heard about The PLAIN TRUTH from my priest. He is asking his
whole congregation to subscribe to your magazine.
(West Point, VA)
I have just started to read your PLAIN TRUTH magazine. It's so
interesting and inspiring. There are so many things in the Bible
that are hard for me to understand, but I'm sure all will be made
clear as I listen to Mr. Armstrong and read his literature. I
pass my copies on to my pastor who is also a college professor.
He is very pleased and shares them with his students. God bless
you all and I hope you will carry on your good work for many more
(Dorchester, MA)
Our minister is basing his sermons on your Bible Correspondence
Course. Could you send me lessons 1-4 to bring me up to date?
The minister suggests we read the lessons before the sermon.
(Port Huron, MI)
The program shocked me today. I haven't been paying much attenĀ­
tion before, but today I listened to the whole sermon. It seems
I've believed the opposite. I've been a minister for over 30
It's kind of frightening to realize what I have been
teaching may have been wrong.
(Milwaukee, WI)
I am a youth minister at my church and have found your magazine to
be very helpful, insightful and understandable. Your messages
have been transferred from the printed page to individuals
through word and deed.
This is a pretty critical time for our young people and I believe
they would all benefit from subscribing to your magazine (they
are 17 to 20 years of age). I know that the message and love of
God, through your magazine, will greatly enrich their spiritual
(Cambria Heights, NY)