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Several areas reported increased participation from the youth in
service projects on Youth Day, and those sermons we heard about were
considered superior. Youth Holy Day offerings were up from last year
with one site more than doubling its previous mark. That site had one
offering from a nineteen-year-old of more than four thousand dollars
for both first and last days combined. That's youthful zeal!
Youth Conference: Travel planning for the Y.O.U. conference must be
done quickly because of the Christmas travel rush at that time. Those
who are flying may want to make their own reservations and send us the
names involved. We will have the tickets prepaid from Pasadena. If
you make your own reservations please try to fly from a nearby trunk city
where possible. If arrangements can be made locally to transport the
representatives to a major city much can be saved in time and has-
for the travelers.
If you can make a seven day excursion reservation, it is possible to
leave Pasadena on Friday (Dec. 29), but we hope very few will need to
arrive on Thursday as the college does not break until the 22nd of
Those within approximately 1200 miles will be given bus fare and a food
allot rnent for the trip to Pasadena. Any who can fly for less than the
cost of bus fare please let us know soon so we can purchase your airline
tickets along with the rest who will be flying.
We hope everything goes smoothly in your planning. Let us know if we
can make your job easier.
--Ron Dick, Y.O.U.
WHILE WE ALL WERE AWAY... My wife, sons and I have just returned from
a wonderful trip to Australia and New Zealand, combining the visit to
four Feast sites with acquiring first-hand knowledge of that part of
the world for future Plain Truth and Good News articles. We greatly
enjoyed meeting the brethren in both countries and we wish to thank
all those in the ministry and office staff who helped make our visit
so profitable.
The Feast is over for this year. But the world moves on, with even
greater speed toward the climax at the "close of the age."
While we were all "dropping out" of this world to observe God's festi­
vals, the U.S. dollar continued its plunge. Before we left for the
Feast the dollar was worth about 1.94 West German marks. Now it is
close to 20 cents lower. Today the Japanese yen reached another record
high against the U.S. currency -- 175.
Nothing seems to help the dollar. Reports TIME magazine: uconfidence
in the dollar has so eroded that it sometimes plunges sharply these
days with no specific news at all to account for the drop."
The Los Angeles Times editorialized on October 27: "The dollar isn't
what it used to be•••A visitor from Europe asks, over lunch, why
Americans seem to care so little about the value of their dollar when