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all over the U.S. and the world are given a unique opportunity to serve
s Work in this exciting way.
In so doing, they help the Work by
properly handling the thousands of calls that come in during the Feast,
many of which would otherwise be lost.
New PMs Thrilled With God's Calling
A number of new PMs, who are growing toward baptism, have expressed joy and
excitement about beginning God's way of life. Their letters often illus­
trate a deep "first love," and an earnest desire to become a part of the
Body of Christ. Following are some of their comments:
I have just received your letter of thanks for the small contri­
bution I made to further the Gospel of the Kingdom. It is I who
should be thanking you for the opportunity of doing a small part
in this great Work.
I was blessed to be able to attend a meeting with some of God's
Church for the first time this past Saturday. It was so very
thrilling to know that God's Church is still alive and active,
and that I can be a part of it. I thank you so very much for
putting me in touch.
had been so disappointed in religion but now I'm coming to
understand my true purpose. Life has taken on meaning for me-­
before it was just existence, but now I know that it is worth
living. Thank you again. My prayers are with you and the great
Work God has called you to do.
C.W. (Pineville, KY)
Peace be with you. You are foremost in my prayers as you carry on
God's Work.
cherish all of your letters and articles,
pamphlets and booklets. Like you, in your intense study into the
Word of God to prove your wife wrong,
have a burning desire for
God's Word.
am hungry for truth and now read the Scriptures
with a new insight.
The last time
wrote you I made a request for a visit from a
minister. He came out to talk to me and
was invited to attend
Sabbath services as a pre-member.
Fellowship has added a new
dimension to my life.
am eager to be baptized.
I feel like a
child just starting in kindergarten, eager and absorbing all
knowledge. Thank God I have found The PLAIN TRUTH and Pastor
General Herbert W. Armstrong. I am just a simple man with an
eighth grade education. After three weeks of fellowship with the
Body of Christ,
have found joy and peace. Yes,
really have.
H.T. (Oakland, CA)
am so grateful for all the time and effort that is spent by you
and your ministry compiling the vast amount of pamphlets you
generously provide for us. Each one
receive leads to three
want to read. God's plan of redemption for us all has
become so intriguing to me...and has eliminated fear, depression
and confusion from my life.
now has a different meaning
to me.