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tainly appreciate your encouraging the students to stay within these guide­
lines while they may be visiting in your areas during the summer or other
college breaks.
This week the twenty-first and last group of ministers and wives will have
completed Ministerial Refreshing Program II. It is always good to be able
to visit and fellowship with you ministers and your wives while you are here
in Pasadena.
I am sure, from the many letters printed in the PASTOR
GENERAL'S REPORT, that you have both enjoyed and greatly benefited from
attending the Refreshing Program.
Please continue to remember in your prayers those of us serving the stu­
dents of Ambassador College as we begin a new college year--which we hope
will be the best ever! May God continue to protect, bless, guide, and in­
spire all of you as you serve His people to the utmost of your ability.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Holy Day Offering Envelopes
(Please announce in all U.S. Churches on August 27)
Offering envelopes for the fal1 Holy Days have been mailed.
Although these envelopes are sent by more economical, slower
third class mail, they should have reached you by now. If they
have not arrived by Wednesday, August 31, please call the toll­
free number in Pasadena ( 800-423-4444) . If you 1ive in Cali­
fornia, Alaska or Hawaii, call 213-304-6111 collect. Another set
of envelopes will be sent immediately by first class mail.
Please make every effort to use these labeled envelopes for your
offerings. Doing this helps keep processing time and costs to a
minimum. We were pleased to note that during the spring Holy Day
season, the usual problems such as improperly prepared checks,
empty envelopes, discrepancies between the amount written on the
envelope and the amount actually enclosed, etc., were quite low.
We would 1ike to encourage everyone to keep up the good work.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
WATS Department Gears Up for Feast Operations
With the 1983 Feast of Tabernacles just around the corner, the WATS
Department is once again making preparations to have the phone lines manned
with volunteers. We expect to have about 300 brethren answering calls this
The WATS Festival Volunteer Program clearly demonstrates the mutual bene­
fits of God's way of give. By offering their time and effort, members from