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Ray Clore, from Vancouver, Canada who was instrumental in establishing a
Church in Haiti.
Also, three or four Ambassador College students are
scheduled to join the Haitian brethren for the Feast.
Australia Steady progress in all aspects of God's Work in Australia and
Asia continued throughout the month of July. Black and white ads offering
The PLAIN TRUTH appeared this month in leading Australian magazines-­
WOMEN'S WEEKLY, WOMAN'S DAY, NEW IDEA, and NEWSWEEK. Initial responses are
now being received.
Responses to the advertisement offering The PLAIN TRUTH in the June issue
of READER'S DIGEST continued to come in throughout July. By the end of the
month, 2,743 reply coupons from the READER'S DIGEST ad had been received,
and these new subscribers have now been added to the PT mailing list.
Income for the month was up an encouraging 14.7%, raising our year-to-date
increase slightly to 12.6%. In light of the continuing problems which
plague the national economy, we are most grateful to Jesus Christ for this
increase in income.
On June 28th we were pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bill Winner and their
daughter to Australia. Mr. Winner is a pastor-rank minister who has served
for twenty-one years in the ministry.
Mr. Winner is no stranger to
Australia, having served in God's Work in this area of the world for eight
years during the sixties.
Mr. Winner is now assisting the Regional
Director, Mr. Bob Morton, in directing the Ministerial Services Department.
His long experience as a minister will bring extremely valuable assistance
and guidance to the ministry in this country.
Asia Mr. Colin Kelly (coordinator for Asia, working from the Australian
o11Ice) returned July 22nd after a three-week tour visiting in the Asian
area. He conducted a Bible study in Moradabad, India, with 15 people in
attendance. Mr. Kelly also held meetings with our ministers in the area-­
Mr. Spaulding Kulasingam in Bombay, and Mr. Mohan Jayasekera in Colombo--to
finalize arrangements for this year's Feast in Sri Lanka.
Our members in Sri Lanka have faced a dangerous and terrifying month as vio­
lent rioting and looting left 150,000 homeless in Colombo. Many businesses
were destroyed, resulting in severe food shortages. During the violence,
God protected the lives of our members there, and they are safe and well.
However, a rioting mob destroyed one member's home and possessions.
Another member's home was spared when neighbors piled broken furniture out­
side the house to make the mobs think it had already been attacked. The
riots were directed against the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka and were fueled
by well-organized Communist groups. Law and order has now been restored
but it will take some time to restore Colombo and the nation to its previous
Mr. Kelly also met with Mr. Yong Chin Gee, our minister in Malaysia, and
discussed plans with him for increasing our effectiveness in caring for
God's people there. Mr. Yong has recently completed twelve months of in­
tensive studies at Ambassador College and is now assisting in pastoring the
Churches in Kuala Lumpur and Johore Bahru.
On the homeward leg of his tour, Mr. Kelly visited Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
where he conducted a Bible study for 12 people before returning to