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The most remarkable trademark of the Worldwide Church of God is
its ability to make each individual feel like a personal friend.
I just received a personal letter from Mr. Armstrong.
I am
deeply honored and grateful in having been put on your personal
mailing list. I don't have adequate words to express my thanks
for all of your wonderful literature. I pray for your continued
R.A. (New York, NY)
Thank you for placing my name on your special "co-worker" mailing
list. I do want to be a fellow worker with Jesus Christ. I will
be looking forward to the special letter from you about once a
month. Mr. Armstrong, thank you so much for welcoming me
growing family of God's co-workers. I will pray for the Work.
F.P. (Beckville, TX)
I wish to express my greatest appreciation for letting me know
that my name is being placed on your special co-worker mailing
list. I am happy to help to the best of my ability. I would be
very grateful for the special letters that will be sent, because
I would like to know much more about The PLAIN TRUTH organization
and work behind the scenes.
A.H. (Edenton, NC)
I received your letter from your "office in the sky" and the
letter that accompanied it. I graciously accept the privilege of
becoming one of Christ's co-workers.
You are correct in be­
lieving that I want to have a part in this Work.
May I add that in all of my 72 years of life I have never heard of
anything like this ministry--feeding hungry sheep (like me)
spiritual knowledge, printing and sending out millions of maga­
zines and books, radio, television and your worldwide travels.
The price? Absolutely nothingl
I thank you for your letter; it's a privilege to be called a
fellow worker with Jesus Christ l I knew when I read the first
issue of The PLAIN TRUTH magazine that I had found, at last, what
I had searched for all of my adult life.
R.A. (Los Angeles, CA)
You made me feel ten feet tall when you said that I could be part
of God's team with youl
Mrs. S.R. (Bowling Green, KY)
Thank you for considering me as a co-worker. I know my meager
donation cannot in itself do much--it's just a widow's mite. But
I also know God can multiply and use it to His benefit and glory.
I'm so happy and thankful to Him that He led me to pay attention
to your messages. Like you say, we're all in the learning state,
and when God shows us His way through another, we have to give
heed and unlearn some of our old ways if we are to grow and be
like Him.
Mrs. G.H. (Silvis, IL)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center