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in fact
he were not to move to correct the mistakes that he had made in the
past in'order to protect his son.
In other words, God gave Mr. Armstrong
another chance, another chance to render to him that accounting that Mr.
Armstrong always knew he would have to render, because he has always said
he is accountable to God.
He gave him another chance to render that
making all of the � orrections �hat were necessary before
the accounting would have to be ultimately submitted and he gave Mr.
Armstrong an opportunity to take all the steps necessary to ensure that
God's work would be done, that God's ways would be preserved, even if
God should decide in his wisdom and mercy that Mr. Armstrong will not be
able to complete it in his lifetime.
Mr. Armstrong has told people that he could very well outlive all of us
and I believe that very, very strongly, and we all hope that Mr. Armstrong
will be able to complete the Work, if that is what God's overall plan has
provided for Mr. Armstrong, but, if not, Mr. Armstrong's timely action,
as a result of the two miracles as I have seen them, his timely measures,
his timely actions will ensure that the Work will be done.
so brethren there were two miracles that the Living God performed for the
direct benenfit of His Work this time.
Miracles performed before our eyes,
if we were simply of the mind to see them.
Is there any wonder that my
faith has been enhanced a thousand-fold.
Should there be any doubt that
there is a Living God in the minds of any of you.
Is there any doubt in
your mind now that this is the True Church, the only Church and a Work of
the Living God and not a work of mere men.
r have a lot more that I could share with you, but I don't want to take the
time now, I know that you're waiting as I have for so long to hear Mr.
Armstrong speak here again in Tucson.
I shall write more to you in the
future in the pages of the Good News and from time to time maybe some of my
comments given in forums or else reach you by cassette or video tape.
cannot thank you enough for your letters of encouragement,of support and
your prayers for me, for my wife, my children, for Mr. Armstrong and Mrs.
Please let me continue to hear from you.
I would like to share
one letter that I received just before I left Pasadena, 10 days ago.
a woman signed Nettie.
She says in this letter:
"Hello Stanley Rader.
After listening to the tape of your forum, I was
moved to express appreciation for you and all you have done for the Work.
Many years ago, before you were baptized Mr. Armstrong often told us
about your great service on behalf of the Church.
We thank God for you
and ask Him to bless you mightily.
Word came that you were baptized and
I was jubilant, happy, thankful, for I knew your work would be more
effective than ever.
Since the traumatic events of the last few months, my heart went out to
you almost as much as to Mr. Armstrong.
I prayed for you, felt for you
and always felt very thankful for you.
The trials have been a bit severe, but they have caused just about every­
one to know for sure whether they had built their house on sand or the
Thank you, Dear Sir, for all you have done, are doing and will continue
to do for Mr. Armstrong, the Work, and for me.
Sincerely, Nettie."