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U.S. Ministerial Transfers--Summer 1983 {continued)
Raymond Taylor
Gerald Weston
Gerald Witte
International News
Little Rock-Searcy, AR
Midland-Cadillac, MI
Denison-Paris, TX
Ft. Worth AM/PM, TX
Asheville-Marion, NC
Flint-Lansing, MI
German Area Update On June 17 Mr. Frank Schnee, along with 1983 Big Sandy
graduate and former PORTFOLIO photographer Dominick Furlano, headed for
Ottobeuren, just west of Munich. The occasion was a rally for a united
Europe, called for by the bishop of Augsburg.
On the way there, Mr. Schnee and Mr. Furlano stopped off in Stuttgart, where
a European Economic Community summit meeting was taking place.
leaders such as Helmut Kohl, Margaret Thatcher and Francois Mitterrand were
present at this event.
The next day the two men drove on to Ottobeuren for the rally, which took
place at the 1,200-year-old Benedictine monastery "Basilika Ottobeuren.
The two main speakers at this rally were German Parliament President Rainer
Barzel and European Parliament member Dr. Otto von Habsburg.
Schnee and Furlano were able to take numerous photos of Dr. Habsburg while
he spoke on the goal of a united Europe. During Dr. Habsburg's July visit
to Ambassador College in Pasadena, an album consisting of photos taken at
Ottobeuren was presented to him by Mr. Armstrong.
Ambassador College students participating in the 1983 German summer program
had the opportunity in June to spend four days in Switzerland, where they
attended Sabbath services and became acquainted with the Swiss brethren.
On this trip the students also traveled to Strasbourg, France near the
French-German border, to view the new headquarters for the European
Parliament. The students' second trip was to East Germany, where they met
in Jena with our East German brethren.
In June we experienced another sharp rise in incoming mail, mainly as a re­
sult of responses still coming in from our May advertising. Our total mail
was up 90% over June 1982 and we added 6,322 new subscribers to the KLAR &
WAHR file, which brings our subscriber list up to 120,297. For the month of
June we had a month-to-date mail income increase of 8.2%. The year-to-date
income is up 21.4%.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Valuable Mail Monitor Service Continues
We now have 231 mail monitors serving in the United States. These volun­
teers have provided a valuable service to the Work in determining average
times for the delivery of our literature.
Mail monitors, who are all
baptized members, are chosen from specially selected cities and towns in
proportion to the current U.S. population. The following map shows where
they reside.