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and also the source of knowledge--the written word of the Living God,
the Bible. We don't have to go to management textbooks to learn how to
govern God's Work. We don't have to go to graduate schools of business
and finance to learn how to govern God's Work. We don't have to go to
academic and scholarly treatises of a theological nature to understand
the message in the written word of the Living God and we know that we can
rely on the faith that has been given to us, and with hope and with love
for God and our neighbor we will be able to overcome any and all problems,
as and when they may arise.
Changes have indeed taken place over the past five years, and many changes
have taken place during the last five months. I am certain that you all
realize, however, how necessary these changes have been. I am certain
that you are as grateful as I, that we are back on the right track, that
God is on His throne, that Christ is heading this Work and Mr. Armstrong,
as Christ's Apostle in this end time, is being lead as always by God the
Father and Christ the Son.
God truly does work, however, in mysterious ways. He gives us faith, and
we pray and we hope for the miracle which will save us from our most
dreaded fears, from our worst afflictions. He has answered our prayers
this time, a miracle has occurred. He has intervened to· restore life and
vigor to Christ's Apostle. But I would like to share a little bit of my
own experience of witnessing the miracle that unfolded before my eyes.
I would like to share a little bit of the drama, a little bit of the story
that now can and should be told.
Little did Mr. Armstrong or I suspect that congestive heart failure would
strike him down so suddenly fourteen months ago, when we returned after
a worldwide journey, from the middle of the African continent. Little did
we know that more than one time in a three-week period he would be on the
threshold of death. Little did we know that during this three-week period
he would in fact die as he has written to you, and will probably tell you
some more about today, and that he would have to be revived by mouth-to­
mouth resuscitation and by manual heart massage. Little did we know that
many in high places within the Work, would write him off as dead, would
write him off as buried, would write him off as never to return. And little
did we know that many in high places, seemingly free to abandon God's Way
and God's Laws would be so willing to do so.
Yes, the first few weeks of Mr. Armstrong's illness were very critical
indeed. Yes Mr. Armstrong did die--yet he was revived. But the Living God
in His mysterious ways saw fit to let some remain blinded to Mr. Armstrong's
recovery, even while he caused Mr. Armstrong to give evidence of his
recovery and to give everyone the opportunity to realize that the miracle
had indeed occurred. But just as the Jews in Christ's time refused to
recognize the Messiah so long awaited, so too those in high places refused
to believe Mr. Armstrong was alive and well.
Mr. Armstrong finally returned to Pasadena, immediately following New Year's
Day and on January 3, 1978 he chaired a meeting of the Board of Directors
of the Church. He announced to the members of the Board that he had
indeed recovered, that he had indeed been restored to life by the gift
of the Living God. Then, point by point, by the spoken word and in
writing, he outlined what must be done to save the Work of the Living
God. What must be done to get the Work moving again. What must be done