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Work's Progress in U.S. Solid for First Six Months of 1983
Key indicators for God's Work in the United States show that the high levels
of growth achieved during 1982 have basically been maintained thus far in
1983. Statistics in most categories are either keeping up with or slightly
behind last year's record pace:
• As of June 1983, a total of 1,784,555 pieces of mail have
been received. This is just 2.7% less than the same period
last year. The total U.S. count since 1934 stands at 49.6
Based on the daily average mail count, the 50
millionth letter to the Work should arrive in mid-August.
• Total WATS calls for the first six months of this year
number 320,438--about 1,200 less than last year's January­
June count.
• Over 32 million publications have been mailed in 1983 in the
U.S., including magazines, booklets, letters, etc. This is
a 24% increase over the first six months of 1982 and an all­
time record.
• The average number of responses to Mr. Armstrong's monthly
letters this year is 17.4% higher than last year, and the
average income from each letter rose 18.5%.
• Over 551,900 new names were added to the Work's files in the
first six months.
Although this is 28% fewer than last
year, it is still the second highest year-to-date count in
the history of the Work.
• Over 113,000 new students enrolled in the BIBLE CORRESPOND­
This was also an all-time record for six
months and more than double last year's January-June number.
Members and Co-workers Respond to SEP Building Needs
Many members and co-workers have responded enthusiastically to Mr. Arm­
strong's request for help for the SEP building program. In fact, the stated
goal of $50,000 was reached and surpassed after only seven daysl Contri­
butors ranged from former campers and their appreciative parents to co­
workers who were hearing about the camp at Orr for the first time. Follow­
ing are some of their comments.
This check is in response to the Work's need for additional funds
to help out at SEP. I hope this small contribution will help.
I'll never forget what SEP did for me and how it helped me to
grow. Any chance I have to make it possible for some other teen
to attend is counted as a blessing.
C.G. {Virgilina, VA)
My daughter went to camp for two years and later was a counselor.
I can't begin to tell you what a balanced person she is today be-