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we were given to the banquets and entertainment. God has led Mr.
Armstrong to strengthen all of us in establishing this program.
We anxiously await MRP III.
Fran and Elfie Ricchi
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Our belated but very sincere thanks to you and your staff for a
very profitable second Refreshing Programme. We have benefited
immensely from the lecture material covered, the contact with
leading men at Pasadena and the time spent with fellow ministers
and wives from around the world. We realize how much work must go
into the planning of these sessions and are grateful to all con­
cerned for their efforts, including those who organized the Mail
Processing tour.
Please pass on our thanks to Mr. Armstrong for the two hours he
gave us. It was very inspiring and moving. His obvious love and
concern is very heartwarming.
Ross and Gaye Beath
Mr. Tkach:
Andrea and I would like to express our appreciation for being in
on the eighteenth session of the Refreshing Program. We believe
the information we received was most vital. We came away with a
renewed sense of purpose and guidelines for helping the brethren.
The instructors seemed more dedicated than ever to hold up the
arms of Mr. Armstrong and hold fast to the doctrines set in the
Church by Jesus Christ. Having a number of ministers in from the
international areas helps us to realize this is a worldwide work,
yet we all speak the same thing. We look forward to returning for
Refreshing Program III.
Roger and Andrea West
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
GLENDALE, CA--RON LAUGHLAND: The spirit of unity from Pasadena
is influencing the Glendale Church more and more. Because of its
close proximity to Headquarters Churches, Glendale is heavily
influenced by "what's happening at Headquarters."
It's truly
inspiring to see that unity in action and not just in words. As
Mr. Armstrong speaks, so it is. I just wish that all the ministry
could work this close to Pasadena and see the sincere unity
displayed by the leadership there. I thank God every day for the
leaders He has placed over His Work.
We deeply appreciate Mr. Arm­
strong's getting us back on the track and the resulting growth
God has poured out on His Work over these past four years. All of
us are tremendously inspired by the doors God has opened for
God's Apostle and the Gospel!
We had a recent miracle here
which invoived one of our Church members. She was makinc;; her
rounds delivering PLAIN TRUTHS to local outlets and taking a