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Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
We want to thank you very much for the opportunity to attend the
eighteenth session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program. It is
inspiring to see how God is bringing unity among His ministers
through the Refreshing Program.
It was a feast in many ways: spiritually, physically, and cul­
turally. We enjoyed seeing how God is getting the work done by
using all the modern technologyr God inspired it for that purpose
in the first place. It was a real inspiration!
We hope to help our home congregations to see this also by using
all the materials given us to help them grow spiritually.
Dennis and Phyllis Hagquist
Dear Mr. Tkach:
It is difficult to describe our feelings about the Ministerial
Refreshing Program that we have just b�n privileged to attend.
The opportunity to be able to experience the peace, harmony and
cooperation so evident in Pasadena was wonderful.
The informa­
tion we received in the various classes was invaluable and cer­
tainly refreshing.
Please pass our gratitude on to Mr. Armstrong for his having
approved the Refreshing Program. To be able to visit and live on
the Ambassador College campus, to attend the Headquarters Church,
renew old friendships and make new ones, are all memorable
We're thankful to you and all the lecturers who
have obviously put in many hours in the preparation of the
We now go back to South Africa with an appreciation for the Head­
quarters of God's Work that we never had before. Thank youl
Terry and Bev Browning
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Warm greetings from Malaysia!
We would like to thank you very much for your care and concern for
our welfare while we were attending the one-year course in Ambas­
sador College. We were very well looked after, and my family and
I appreciated what had been done for us. We are thankful to God
that He made it possible for our training at Ambassador College
to prepare for the full-time ministry. Our children learned much
attending Imperial School.
The one-year theological studies at Ambassador have laid a good
foundation of Scriptural understanding and I personally have
gained a deeper and wider perspective of God's Work at the Head­
quarters Church as a result of interacting with fellow ministers,
students and faculty members.