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Nearly 90 percent of the present 2,045,236 U.S. subscribers have been put
on the list since 1978. The main reason for this outstanding growth has
been the expansion of PLAIN TRUTH programs under Mr. Armstrong's direction
and vigorous leadership. The total number of people who have subscribed at
one time or another since 1934 is approximately ten million.
Bible CC Enrollments Continue to Soar
ments in the U.S. this year stands at a 120 percent increase over the same
period last year. In the first six months, over 100,000 new students have
been added. This figure is more than for any other previous January-June
period. In fact, only in 1973 and 1982 did the number of new students ex­
ceed 100,000 for the entire year!
"ISAL"--Improved Mailing Service to International Areas
International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) is a service of the U.S. Postal
Service which allows mailers of printed matter to air freight bulk quanti­
ties of individually addressed mail to various countries that have agreed
to this delivery method. This service is not only cheaper and much faster
than surface mail, but also provides direct delivery to individuals on the
mailing list.
"ISAL," which was introduced about two years ago, is presently used to mail
the French and Spanish language International GOOD NEWS and other litera­
ture. The Sacred Calendar, for example, was sent earlier this year to the
United Kingdom and Europe via ISAL, costing only $0.40 (US) per piece and
arriving at all private addresses in two to three weeks. Surface mail would
have taken four to six weeks and cost $0.54 (US).
Currently ISAL shipments must first be trucked to an expediter in New York.
This adds to the cost and can take up to two weeks.
However, the U.S.
Postal Service now plans to add Los Angeles as a new entry point for ISAL
mail this fall. This will mean even speedier service (7-10 days from Los
Angeles to the United Kingdom or Australia) and thousands of dollars in
savings for many iterns which are mailed to international areas from the
Work's Headquarters in Pasadena.
Youths Show Interest in God's Truth
A number of letters to Mr. Armstrong come from teen-agers. Many avidly read
the Work's literature and comment how it has motivated them to follow the
right way of life. They are especially thankful to Mr. Armstrong for his
interest in the youth and for the many programs he has initiated for them.
Following are some of the letters we have received:
I am writing to say I am deeply impressed with the work that the
Worldwide Church of God is doing. Although I am only 14 years
old, I am a subscriber to The PLAIN TRUTH, The GOOD NEWS, and THE
ceived a great number of booklets from you. Through these I have
gained much understanding about this turbulent world we live in.
At first I felt I was too young to be thinking about religion be­
coming a major force in my life. But now I think I am at the
perfect age. Before I heard about the Worldwide Church of God,