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tion. In some cases, the individuals later write or call back telling us of
miraculous intervention.
A Thank You to the Brethren
The Co-worker Section wishes to extend its hearty thanks to the members for
the care they took in preparing their holy day offerings for Pentecost. The
typical problems of improperly prepared checks, ·aiscrepancies in amounts,
empty envelopes, etc., were significantly fewer this year compared to pre­
vious years. We certainly appreciate the cooperation and extra attention
given. Much time, manpower and money were saved in processing these offer­
Telecast of USC Law School Honoring Mr. Armstrong Well Received
We received a flurry of mail and phone comments on Mr. Armstrong's address
before the
Law School and the professorship established in his name.
Viewers were pleased to see him so honored and appreciated the appropriate­
ness of his message. Several with legal backgrounds were especially in­
trigued by the unique way that constitutional law was related to. the Bible.
Following are some comments:
We watched with interest THE WORLD TOMORROW program this past
Sunday, in which you were honored by the president of the Law
School of the University of Southern California for providing a
chair in constitutional law. We were very impressed with the way
you, as "God• s Philadelphia lawyer," were able to express the
Bible in terms of the Law. You always are able to follow the
example of your fellow Apostle Paul in being all things to all
men for the sake of the Gospel.
H. & H.B. (Kenilworth, NJ}
I was so touched to read your speech (in the April 18 WORLDWIDE
NEWS), and about the ceremony honoring you at the
Law School.
Then, hearing you on THE WORLD TOMORROW broadcast made me very
happy that you were so honored, and that learned men are really
taking note of what you are saying!
E.C. (Parkdale, OR)
With delight we watched THE WORLD TOMORROW last Sabbath. Your
speech before the lawyers at
was most impressive. Reading
about it in THE WORLDWIDE NEWS wasn't nearly as exciting as see­
ing the way you spoke--with authority.
I am studying law and Mr. Armstrong
addressing the law students at
with the Bible was really a realistic
the program.
T. & G.E. (Fort Worth, TX)
caught my eye when he was
The way he tied in the law
approach. I really enjoyed
B.V. (Marina del Rey, CA}
I viewed the program last Sunday on which you were honored by
I enjoyed it very much. It's long overdue that you should
get an honor in this country instead of people trying to bring
you down. I thank God for you. I'm so glad and happy for you.
V.K. (Long Beach, CA)