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Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Barbara and I are still experiencing a "high" after two weeks at
Headquarters for the second Refreshing Program.
It was an
"action packed" time for us which was thoroughly enjoyable and
It really is a treat to sit at the feet 6f Mr. Armstrong and the
leading men in God's Work, not only for what they taught us, but
also for what we could imbibe from their personal traits--their
dedication and commitment through many years in the Work, their
diligence, their personalities and their spirit of humility and
service. The whole experience was a great tonic for us.
We appreciated the opportunity to attend this year's graduation
ceremony, our first in 15 years, and hear the compelling address
by the very able Dr. Hoeh. Another of the many highlights of our
stay was the Sabbath special music performed by the College and
Church choirs in the Auditorium PM service. The quality of both
the performance and the acoustics of the Auditorium combined to
produce a thrilling and stirring experience we will long remem­
·Mr. Tkach, we wish to express our gratitude to Mr. Armstrong,
yourself, and your staff for helping make the Refreshing Programs
the invalµable inspirational tool they are.
Bill and Barbara Hutchison
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Many thanks to everyone in Pasadena who worked so hard to make
session 118 of the Refreshing Program such an enjoyable and pro­
fitable time. Sarah and I benefitted greatly and learned a lot
from all the presentations.
Hopefully we will share all the
positive things we learned and saw with the Churches back here in
Lenoir and Boone.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the Caribbean
Tom and Sarah Kirkpatrick
BRIDGETOWN, BARBADOS--ARNOLD HAMPTON: Enthusiasm is running high
in anticipation of THE WORLD TOMORROW telecast being aired in
HAMILTON, BERMUDA--CECIL PULLEY: The local Church is still very
enthusiastic and has been given a tremendous lift by our Regional
Director's ·visit.
A few members are still experiencing severe
personal trials, but with God's help they will overcome them.
From the United States
All of the members here were
greatly moved by Mr. Armstrong's surprise visit to Tucson and the