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I've just gotten permission to imolement a couple of administrative
changes: Some time ago the Worldwide News (now the Good News) was
placed under my administration along with the Correspondence Course
and the PASTOR'S REPORT. These were all lumped under "Editorial
Services." Since I hav� had little functional involvement in either
of these areas, I have requested that the principle men involved,
Dexter Faulkner and Richard Sedliacik, report directly to Mr. Armstrong
and/or Mr. Rader. From now on if you have any input for any of the
above mentioned publications, please feel fre� to write or call those
two men directly.
We're trying to get everything done before the Feast. Present plans
call for my family and I to keep the Festival in England at the
invitation of Mr. Brown.
That's it for now -- have a great feast!
--Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
PUBLISHING UPDATE International areas will be contacted after the
Feast of Tabernacles regarding the proposed translation and production
of Mr. Herbert Armstrong's book, The Incredible Human Potential, into
their respective languages. We are considering the possibility of
printing these translations in one central location and bulk-shipping
them to each area.
We have approval to hold a meeting at each U.S. feast site this year
for all Plain Truth newsstand coordinators. We welcome all coordina­
tors, or those delegated, to attend these relatively informal, open
forums where ideas can be exchanged, plans discussed and any comments
made. This will undoubtedly be helpful to all attending as well as
provide us with excellent feedback. An announcement will be made on
the first Holy Day at every feast site as to where and when the meeting
will be held. Please pass along the news of our plans to all concerned
during this Sabbath or on the day of Atonement.
--Roger Lippross, Publishing Services
"REPRINT SERIES" BEARS FRUIT In May of 1977 Subscriber Development
began a new service to donors and co-workers which we call the "Reprint
Series." This is a brief eight-part article series on the subject of
conversion -- and is intended to be an inspirational help to those who
are being called by God to have an active part in His Work.
The whole purpose of the Reprint Series program has been simply to
encourage, motivate, and perhaps stimulate spiritual growth in its
readers. Its purpose is not to convert -- but we do use some of the
best spiritual articles written by leaders in God's Work to help our
donors and co-workers understand God's purpose in their lives.
The fruit thus far produced by the Reprint Series shows its effect
on co-workers who later become members has been especially beneficial.
Here is what the records show: during the past year approximately
20% of all new members have taken the Reprint Series. We realize,
of course, that this article series did not convert these people -­
God was already working with them through the entire gamut of the
Work's programs -- but we are encouraged by the fact that the Series
has seemed to help many of the co-workers who later became members.