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God's Work. For years or even decades, they have wondered about the purpose
of man's existence and sought answers to many of life's questions. Having
been led to the truth, they are now requesting more and more of our litera­
ture. Some have even started to contribute so that others also may be help­
ed. Following are some of their comments.
Mr. Armstrong, I have been studying my Bible for over 12 years
and looked into every Christian denomination I could think of.
Yet, I believe with my whole heart that God has given me the truth
about Him through you. Your (God's) Church is the only one that
obeys God; it's the only Church you can't just walk into. It's
the only one that sends the Gospel to all who ask, the way it
should be given--absolutely free!
C.G. (Anchorage, AK)
After subscribing to your literature, I feel I have finally found
someone I can trust.
I have just recently become a diligent
reader of your publications and try to obtain as much knowledge
as possible. It has taken me a long time to find someone with the
correct knowledge to guide me in the right steps to total salva­
tion. The Lord knows I have been searching and I feel he has
finally shown me the right way to turn.
D.B. (st. Louis, MO)
For the first time in my 61 years of life I have finally found the
truth, through you. I am convinced that your Bible explanations
are correct.· I have learned much in the past six mbnths and be­
lieve that if more people would listen to you on Sunday it would
be a better world.
R.K. (Port Orange, FL)
We absolutely love your ministry! I was very skeptical of your
publication at first. I would not allow my wife to read it until
I had determined that it was truly of the Lord! After reading
your magazine, I discovered that it was a gift from God. I had
been searching all of my life for the answers that you provide.
S.F. (Roswell, NM)
I've always believed that God's word is truth, and that He creat­
ed man on earth for a purpose, but I could never understand that
I have visited churches trying to find reasons to
affirm my belief that God is truly a loving Creator. But the mes­
sages I received filled me with fear and doubts--a feeling that
God sits on lofty heights watching my every move in order to con­
demn me.
The purpose of this note is to thank you for The PLAIN TRUTH.
You've answered so many questions I've wondered about for so many
years, and calmed so many of my fears. My desire, now that my
children are grown up, is to live a rich and rewarding life in the
service of my fellow man.
E.C. (Fayetteville, NC)
I've finally found, through the Worldwide Church of God, a reli­
gion I can believe. You interpret the Bible for what it says, not
what you want it to. I appreciate your honesty in providing the