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Again, I exhort you to look on the beautiful and inspiring things
we do have -- not on the problems or those things you feel we don't
Have a great Feast!
Your Servant in Christ,
Wayne Cole
the underlying principles and the present direction of Youth OpportuniĀ­
ties United, Mr. Herbert Armstrong has approved the operation of the
Church's youth program, including all of the program's social and
educational activities.
According to Mr. C. Wayne Cole, the director of Pastoral Administration
for the Church and the Division head over YOU, Mr. Armstrong feels that
the YOU program is a viable part of the Church and would like to see
it continued.
Mr. Cole met with Mr. Armstrong, Wednesday, September 27, at Mr.
Armstrong's home in Tucson to discuss, among other subjects, the Youth
Educational Service {YES) which is now administered by YOU. Before
Wednesday's meeting, Mr. Wayne Cole and Mr. Jim Thornhill, director
of YOU, had been involved in meetings concerning various YOU activities.
Prior to these meetings a special report covering the full scope of
YOU activities and projects, including complete budgetary information,
had been submitted to Mr. Armstrong at his request.
The YES program aims to provide children {ages 3 to 12) with a basic
foundation in Christian development. Mr. Armstrong said that he was
concerned about the type of information that is readily available to
children today and, in that light, he felt the educational program
was important to the Church youth and that it should continue and grow.
The concept for the YES program originated about three years ago. The
program was begun exclusive of YOU and was administered on a local,
non-regular basis for about two years. YES came under the direction
of YOU in the early part of 1978. The service is designed esoecially
for children and covers a wide variety of Biblical subjects such as
creation, the Ten Commandments, how youth fit into God's plan, the
existence and the nature of God, and many others.
--Ron Dick, Y.O.U.
Sample subject matter and lesson material
will be presented to Mr. Armstrong for his
approval. After such approval we will be
sending further instructions concerning
implementation of the YES program.
--C. Wayne Cole