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Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I want to add my thanks to all the expressions of appreciation
from those who have had the privilege of attending the Refreshing
Program, and for being taught by loyal, loving and converted men,
such as Mr. Tkach, Mr. Blackwell, Dr. Hoeh and all the others who
have taken their time to teach us the truths revealed to you from
Jesus Christ. It is an exciting experience for us who have never
had the opportunity to attend Ambassador College, and to top it
off to be taught in person by God's apostle. Thank you again for
allowing the local church elders to attend these classes.
Irvin Hardiman
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Now back in England, Margaret and I want to express our thanks
through you to the entire Refreshing Program team.
The atmosphere of unity and harmony (not to mention the excellent
material presented) was even more pronounced than programme
number one. It shows no phase of God's Work can stand still.
Something that hit us appreciably was that there were no "super­
stars" at Headquarters--no "solo-stars"--just a dedicated, con­
verted team supporting Christ's apostle and serving the ministry
worldwide. Many thanks.
Robert and Margaret Harrison
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I, having recently returned to Columbia, South
Carolina from Pasadena and MRP session seventeen, wanted to drop
you a few lines of appreciation while the session is still fresh
in our minds.
We have been visiting the Headquarters of God's Work since 1974
for Ministerial Conferences, etc., including a one year Sabbati­
cal in 1976/1977, and wish to assure you that none of those ses­
sion were as balanced or spiritually refreshing as our refreshing
classes in Pasadena.
Not only are the current MRP sessions balanced, refreshing and
educational, but the cooperation and dedication displayed by all
is evident.
This is also borne out in the current growth and
potential trends for the Work.
We are praying that all the good things that were evident during
our two weeks in Pasadena will be solidified during the months
ahead, giving even greater impetus for the future growth of God's
Please convey our thanks and appreciation to all those who taught
us in class and who served us in many other ways while we were
there. We look forward to Ministerial Refreshing Program number
Carlos and Shirley Nieto