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us all feel like we are appreciated and you inspire us to want to
live up to the high calling we have been given.
With everyone on the Headquarters team faithfully following and
looking to the leadership of Mr. Armstrong, we noticed a wide­
spread feeling of security and purpose. When a family is run
lovingly and responsibly from the top down there is a secure
sense of well-being and unity that is unmistakable and very in­
spiring to behold (Prov. 29:2).
We personally feel that the Refreshing Program is far more effec­
tive than the large conferences that brought all the ministry
together at one time. With the small groups that come to each
Refreshing Program we can more easily get to know many of our
fellow ministers who were just names to us before. In our apart­
ment, we stayed with ministerial couples from the Philippines,
South Africa and Australia. The fellowship we were able to share
with them has helped us greatly to understand the needs and
accomplishments of God's Church around the world. Combined with
Mr. Rod Matthew's presentation, this personal contact makes us
feel closer to our brethren even though we are separated by con­
tinents and oceans.
Please thank Mr. Armstrong for his personal talk to us all, and
for approving this invaluable program. We love him more and feel
closer to him than ever before. Now we will take all this infor­
mation and inspiration and really "feed the flock.".
Marc and Lisa Segall
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
GARDEN GROVE, CA--TERRY P. MATTSON: The average Sabbath attend­
ance has been up. Brethren are really excited over the powerful,
hard-hitting telecasts by Mr. Armstrong. Everyone has been deep­
ly concerned about Mr. Armstrong's eyesight and are praying that
God will grant him the strength and h�alth to finish the work set
before him.
CARLIN, NE--JIM CHAPMAN: This group is very tuned into Mr. Arm­
strong's trips, telecasts, letters and comments. They solidly
support, and are good examples of, the Church in their communi­
BOSTON, MA--JIM FRANKS: Everything is very positive. The number
of new visit requests has increased substantially this spring.
Everyone is praying for Mr. Armstrong and the legal situation.
The brethren are genuinely supportive of Mr. Armstrong and love
him very much.
The Brooklyn Church continues to
grow at a tremendous rate. It has grown by 20% in one year! This
month witnessed another record attendance. PM activity continues
strong--10 new people started attending services this month and
it seems that all of them will continue. The brethren are also
inspired by the new PT Supermarket Program.