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or a Pastor supervised by a Preaching Elder. This will probably be
the exception rather than the rule, but it has occurred and will still
occur occasionally.
Designations within the ministry are not worn as "badges" of self­
importance or power. Rather the titles and positions are for the
purpose of service to God's people and the accomplishment of His Work.
A Preaching Elder or a Local Elder is!!£ less a minister of Jesus
Christ and no less important than anyone else in the ministry. His
responsibilitie'srnay vary, what he is assigned to perform may be
different, less time consuming and demanding, but he is still Christ's
servant nonetheless.
I hope we can all understand this. We should not have "rank
conscious" self-importance. Let us be grateful for our privileges to
serve in Christ's Work in any capacity.
and jealousy are
attitudes of the flesh. We do not want to do away with structure.
Certainly structure is Biblical. It gives certain incentive as well
as designating administrative functions resulting in order and system.
We are presently reviewing those who should be raised to Pastor,
and more ordinations will be forthcoming. It should not be misunder­
stood that the few men who are ordained as Pastors this Festival season
are the only ones who are qualified. As time progresses further
ordinations will occur.
One final point on this. Our salary structure is not essentially
based on the designation of ministerial title. A Local Elder who
happens to be pastoring a church full time is paid as a Pastor. There
are, of course, different statures as a Pastor so as to allow for
seniority and merit considerations. Pay scales are on the basis of
function, though all things being equal a man ordained as a Pastor
should normally receive moderately more according to the criteria that
qualified him for the designation or title.
I hope all of you have a very uplifting, encouraging and meaningful
Feast of Tabernacles. This Festival observance is very rich in tradi­
tion and significance to the Worldwide Church of God. It has great
meaning in what it relates to us in the great purpose and plan God is
working out here on earth.
So long as we prepare for this coming Feast, get "up" for it in
our emotional, mental and spiritual outlook we can't help but have a
very fine Feast. And, I believe, many others affected by your example
will go home from the Festival just a little more rewarded as a result
of your presence and attitude.
We may have our troubles. There will perhaps always be "reasons"
to be discouraged. Ever since man was first put on the earth he has
tended to look across the fence and see something else he thought he
wanted more than what he had. But, alas, when he gets it, like Solomon
said, that also is vanity -- a puff of wind.
Fellow ministers, we have the pearl of great price (Matt. 13:46).
And, we "found" it here in this Church. I don't care who the name of
the person was who may have been your teacher. It doesn't matter how
you were initially attracted to the Church; God. is the One who really
opened your eyes -- blessed your eyes and ears to see and to hear