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"AIDS"--Explosive "Gay Plague" Becomes Public Health Menace #1
Virtually overnight a lethal fast-acting degenerative disease has lept into
the medical headlines.
"AIDS"--Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome--is
devastating America's homosexual population and threatening to spread via
so-called "bisexuals" into the promiscuous heterosexual society. Intra­
venous drug users and hemophiliacs who rely on a freeze-dried clotting
agent derived from blood plasma are also highly susceptible.
So too,
curiously, are Haitian immigrants to the
(The disease is apparently
spread from victim to victim via bodily fluids such as blood, saliva and
In a particularly noxious side-effect, "gay" leaders are protesting
attempts by blood-donation organizations to screen out homosexuals. They
are screaming "discrimination." They would apparently rather have innocent
parties contract the disease than for donors to be asked to reveal their
sexual orientation when giving blood.
It is among gays that the epidemic is most prevalent, taking the wind out of
the flamboyant life-style in which many have engaged, similar to the way
herpes has deflated the sexual revolution. However, herpes is rarely, if
ever fatal. AIDS nearly always is.
Here are some excerpts from the lengthy cover story "The AIDS Epidemic"
which appeared in the April 18, 1983 issue of NEWSWEEK:
Since it ca�e into public view in 1981, derisively called "The
Gay Plague," AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), which
ravages the body's immune system, has stricken 1,300 Americans-­
more than half of them in the last year. And there is no cure in
The death toll to date--489--is far higher than the combined
fatalities from Legionnaire's disease and toxic shock syndrome.
Fewer than 14 percent of AIDS victims have survived� than
three years after being diagnosed, and no victim has recovered
[ victims often die of Kaposi_' s Sarcoma, a type of skin
cancer. AIDS is, in effect, a "set-up" disease which annihilates
the body's immune system, leaving the victim prey to KS or other
terminating agents. ]
The lethal disease, first reported in the homosexual communities
of New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, has spread to 35
states and 16 foreign countries, including France, Germany and
Denmark. And although�� still account for 72 percent of
cases, AIDS seems to be moving into the population at large.
First, intravenous drug-users of both sexes, then· HaitTan immi­
grants, and more recently the sex partners and children of both
groups have been afflicted. Hemophiliacs and at least one recip­
ient of a routine blood transfusion have also been stricken. And
then there are those who fall into no apparent category.
"As the months go by, we see more and more groups," says Dr.
Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases. "AIDS is creeping� of well-defined epidemiological
confines [ population groups ]." According to Dr. Jeffrey Kaplan,