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But I want you all to know that my Faith in the Living God grows
stronger each day, as it has for the past 22 years. And I tell you
this with as much power as I can muster because without that Faith,
and without that Faith growing each day, I don't think I could
continue to perform my work, because it is a very, very lonely
place from which I work. I have had to leave behind me all of my
friends, all of my past associations. I've had to leave behind
me in a certain emotional sense or spiritual sense, my children,
as well as my wife. They're not antagonistic to the Work and they
love Mr. Armstrong very much. But they are not in the Church.
And all of you who are, know what that means. And as a result of
leaving those things behind, and because I have made few friends
within the Work, I have had to become closer and closer to God.
It is difficult also because in the position that I'm in, there is
no one in God's Work, other than Mr. Armstrong and the Living God,
with whom I can share openly and candidly and revealingly the
personal burdens of my own position. Everybody in the Work can come
to me and over the years they have. I have counselled with people
in the Work of any consequence by telephone, face to face, and by
letter. You can name the person, and I've counselled with him.
But I can't go to others for personal counsel. I can go to Mr.
Armstrong but I don't want to burden him. So, I only have one other
person that I can go to, and of course, that's the Livir:..g God.
Thus, I want you to understand that in the performance of my duties,
in the performance of those things which have been delegated to me
by Mr. Armstrong, how very important it is that I have Faith and
how very important it is that I continue to grow each day in Faith
because the work that I have to do for Mr. Armstrong does not become
any easier as time goes on.
designed by the Subscriber Development staff and Graphics department,
which we call the "Add Flyer.'' It is sent to all new subscribers to
The PLAIN TRUTH and offers them the following literature: Does God
Exist?, Why Were You Born?, and The Seven Laws of Success. Responses
to this new "Add Flyer" are coming in very well. In the first 18
days after it was first mailed to new subscribers, MPC had received
a 16.7% response!
Responses from our offer in The PLAIN TRUTH magazine to all those
requesting The Modern Romans booklet has also done exceptionally well.
In four weeks time we sent out 32,918 flyers offering The PLAIN TRUTH.
As of September 15th, approximately 18% had requested the magazine!
A new article series on "Christian Living" was offered to co-workers
and donors in the August "Co-Worker Newsletter." In only four days
it had drawn a 5% response from co-workers. We believe that all of
these very good response rates show that our readers and supporters
are hungry for more of God's Word -- and that Mr. Armstrong's new drive
to spiritually "beef up" the Work's literature and outreach is answer­
ing a REAL NEED in people's lives!
--Richard Rice, �ail Processing Center
UPCOMING Y.O.U. YOUTH CONFERENCE The 1978 annual International Youth
Conference is just around the corner. Plans are being made for a
December 26 through December 30 schedule somewhere in the midwest.
The most promising sites are in Oklahoma and Kansas.