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paramount, hence the reason for the increase. My wife and I are
very thankful to the One responsible for this--the great God.
Mr. & Mrs. B.K. (Banks, OR)
God has blessed me so greatly recently--including a good job
which I started mid-February. I wasn't scheduled to receive my
first check until March 15, but due to a change in company policy
I received a full pay check after only two weeks of work--just in
time to pay the rent on the first of the month. God really looks
out for us when we are willing to step out and put our lives in
His hands.
o.B. (Visalia, CA)
I prayed and asked for a financial blessing to prove to my
daughter who lives with me that God does bless for tithing faith­
fully. Well, He certainly has opened the storehouses of heaven.
I start a new job today at $4,000 a year more, with much less
pressure than the previous one. Yes, God does kee·p His promises
and blesses those who seek Him and His ways. Thank you for the
truth, for otherwise I would never know this.
Y.B. (Westminster, CA)
After two years of being unemployed, and even after I had ex­
hausted all the potential places that might have had a job open­
ing, a job came up that I didn't even apply for. I didn't think I
had a chance to land it.
But after two interviews with the
company representative, I got the job, in spite of the stack of
applications! This was two weeks after the Feast, and also the
beginning of our third tithe year. God can really provide!
L.M. {Peru, IN)
Having lost my job recently (due to lack of wisdom and discretion
on my part), I wanted to learn from the mistake I made. Soon
afterward, I was given a tip concerning a possible job which paid
nearly twice as much as the other, and which had other desirable
points. I was successful in my pursuit and was given the job over
the phone. To top that off, I also was able to help a younger
Church member secure his very first job--what a thrilling thing
to happen!
When we arrived, I asked my new boss if he'd be burdened by our
taking Saturdays off each week. He then inquired our reason for
such a need. My reply was, "Well, sir, we attend church services
and do not work on that day." He then asked our Church's name.
When I told him the Worldwide Church of God he exclaimed, "Yeah,
now I know that I can trust you. My wife has been a member of
that Church for over 20 years--they've got a lot of really fine
people in that Church, fine people!" At this point, struggling
to close my gaping mouth while he phoned his wife to tell her
about all this, I came to the wonderful realization, yet once
again, that God, our God, is fabulous--add to that, great and
P.T. (Atlanta, GA}
We asked for prayers a few mon�hs ago for · our son who was unable
to keep a job because of the Sabbath · •. After the Feast of 1982, he