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they have often wondered how three days and three nights fit into the
picture and now finally have the answers. Following is a sampling of the
comments received.
I saw the Easter program as I was starting to leave for Easter
services. I got my Bible out and wrote down the scriptures. I
decided, while the program was still on, that I'm not going to
keep Easter anymore and I'm going to quit my church. I really
believe Mr. Armstrong's message.
H.J. (Minnesota)
We have been discussing the subject of Christ's resurrection for
a few years now and I've never been able to fit three days and
three nights in between Friday and Sunday! Now I understand that
the crucifixion was on a Wednesday. I hope the booklet arrives
soon, because I want to know all the scriptures so that I can make
some corrections in my life!
H.L. (Illinois)
Mr. Armstrong was shocked when he found out
years ago, and I
was shocked when I heard today, that the resurrection was not on
a Sunday.
R.A. (California)
I find Mr. Armstrong believable and refreshing. He cuts right
through all the untruths. I was raised a Catholic and appreciate
the straightforward approach and the clear presentation. He's
ahead of all the established religions.
R.W. (California)
Everyone celebrates Easter through tradition. And now I under­
stand that the resurrection was no·
t even on a Sunday. I have
never heard anything like it before and
would like
M.S. (New York)
We were discussing Easter eggs, etc., last night when going to
"Good Friday" services. My daughter asked, "How
the world do
we connect colored eggs with the resurrection of Jesus?" I told
her that I had heard it was a pagan ritual. Mr. Armstrong gave me
evidence today. It is hard to change things you've done all your
life, but I'll change as I come to understand. I would like your
booklets so I can better explain it to my children.
D.K. (West Virginia)
I have never watched Mr. Armstrong and did not watch the telecast
today. My sister phoned me from Chicago to tell me about the
I grew up knowing that the resurrection was not on
Sunday and that Easter and Xmas are false, because my mother was
a minister. But, I've never been able to prove it from the Bible
and I want to be able to teach it to my children.
S.H. (Illinois)
Finally someone figured_it out--three days and three nights! I
have asked other ministers and no one has ever been able to ex­
plain it before. I wrote down all the scriptures that Mr. Arm­
strong quoted and I looked them up. But I would like to have it