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will enjoy it very much. There is a section on God's Work in the 1982/1983
ENVOY which all of you will find both informative and interesting.
The following is from a recent memo regarding the 1981 ENVOY which I re­
ceived from Mr. Dennis Robertson, Director of College Publications. (Mr.
Robertson worked in conjunction with Design Graphics of Publishing Services
in the design of the 1981 ENVOY.} I thought you would like to know that our
beautiful 1981 ENVOY was judged by the world as one of the top-quality
yearbooks in the entire nation.
The 1981 ENVOY has been awarded the Certificate of Merit in the
Printing Industries of America's 1982 Graphic Arts Award Compe­
The award is a "very prestigious honor in the printing industry,"
according to a spokesperson at the PIA headquarters in Arlington,
The 1981 ENVOY is one of only 20 yearbooks awarded the Certifi­
cate in the 1982 competition.
When choosing the winners, the
PIA' s judges look for the highest quality in design, printing
production and choice of materials.
"The 1982 competition was the most difficult for the judges," the
PIA spokesperson said. "They had such high quality, it was hard
for them to decide."
The judges are drawn mainly from advertising agency personnel,
printing company representatives and graphic artists.
The yearbook category in the competition includes not only
college and university annuals, but yearbooks representing major
U.S. corporations. In addition to schools like Harvard School of
Business, Cornell University, and the University of Missouri,
organizations like R.J. Reynolds and the United States Navy were
awarded Certificates of Merit for their 1981 yearbooks.
The PIA is an organization which helps coordinate production
standards for the printing industry. Its competition was started
in 1950 and is the largest in the field.
There will only be three more weeks of actual classwork after the spring
break. We are expecting to graduate about 120 students this spring. I
would like to mention that we certainly have some very fine, competent and
dedicated students in the College. (If any of you ministers know of any of
the brethren who would be interested in employing any one from this year's
graduating class, please have them contact Dr. David Albert, Director of
Career Services at Pasadena.}
We hope all of God's people in your particular areas of this worldwide Work
of God are being blessed and prospered in every way possible. Everything is
coming along very well with the College and with the various areas of the
Work here in Pasadena. We ask your continued prayers for all of us here at
Headquarters, as we continue to remember all of you in our daily prayers!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor