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• Over ten million pieces of mail were sent out in the U.S. in Jan­
uary and February, including 4.1 million PLAIN TRUTHs. This ex­
ceeds last year's count for the same period by 18% and is a new
all-time record.
• Interest in the CORRESPONDENCE COURSE remains high. So far this
year, 32,356 new students have been added--a record number for a
two-month period. Nearly half of the new students enrolled by
returning booklet cards which offer the course. Another third
came from similar cards in The PLAIN TRUTH.
• The co-worker picture "brightened" in two ways. First, 4,921 new
co-workers were added to the list, the highest January-February
count since 1978. Also, the number of contributors dropped from
co-worker status (this occurs when they have not donated in 12
months) has been the lowest in four years.
If present trends continue, we can look forward to another "bumper crop"
for the Work in 1983!
Returning Members Appreciate God's Way of Life
This week we are featuring letters from some members who left God
s Church
and have later come back. They mention some of the sorrow they experienced
while away from the Church and share their gratitude for God's forgiveness
and mercy. Thankful to have returned, they realize that only obedience to
God's laws results in lasting happiness. Following are some of the com­
ments received.
Earlier this year I wasn't feeling well physically and was under
much stress from working far from home. I didn't have much time
for God, my family or myself. I became spiritually weak, stopped
tithing and didn't attend Church services regularly. I became
unhappy and confused.
I have now started attending again and am I happy! I very much
missed the love and support of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I want to be in God's Kingdom and I want Him to use me if He can.
Our God is wonderful, faithful, and full of mercy.
I am sending in my tithe again. Yes, again. I was an active
member for one and one-half years and had paid tithes even before
I knew where the· local church was. But due to spiritual weak­
nesses, I left the Church a number of years ago. A lot has
happened to me since then--much of it bad. I have learned some
hard lessons and I thank God that He is showing me my mistakes. I
am sorry that I have stolen from God and kept the tithes and
offerings for myself.
At this time I am being counseled by the local minister. I just
can't begin to tell you how much he has helped me in just two
sessions (there are more to come). God is merciful, and He has
brought me back to square one.