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The pastor of our church has recently changed our Sunday worship
service to Saturday, after reading your booklet, WHICH DAY IS THE
CHRISTIAN SABBATH? and much studying of the Scriptures. We at
the church were ready for the change and are willing to accept
whatever God has for us. We are trying to understand all of God's
I am wondering if you have any booklets on the feasts we are to
observe as Christians. We do not keep any of the pagan holidays.
What feasts are we suppose to celebrate?
Mr. & Mrs. D.T. (West Jefferson, NC)
This letter is to express my appreciation for your magazine The
PLAIN TRUTH, and the books and literature which you have sent at
my request.
Many years ago I was called into the ministry, but came to a
sudden halt when it became very clear that I simply did not know
what I was talking about. I was unable to give clear, rational
answers to those who came to me with questions concerning the
fate of loved ones who had died. The doctrine which I preached,
and frankly never really believed, was cruel and unreasonable,
and I could not in good conscience continue with it.
I must tell you that recently a very dear friend called me long
distance with the news that her brother had been killed. She was
distraught in the belief that he might not have been· saved. For
the first time in my life, I was able to write her with the con­
fidence that I would offer solace with truth.
enough, I had just come to a solid understanding of the dis­
tinction between those who are "called" in this life, and those
who are not. I also suggested to this lady that she subscribe to
J.W. (Belleview, FL)
I picked up three of your wonderful magazines in our local food
store and am thankful for whomever put them there•••• Before
entering the ministry I was an "old war horse newspaper re­
porter," and found your magazine to be extremely well written,
informative, and pulling no punches where God's Word is con­
cerned. Your articles give great inspiration and a basis for
sermons I wish to share with my congregation. May God continue
to bless your endeavors and keep you all in His care.
D.G. (Newton, AL)
I'm starting a Bible course for my congregation using your
literature. Can you send me, as quickly as possible, 15 sets of
your CORRESPONDENCE COURSE, three of the booklets DOES GOD EXIST?
Bishop G. (Chicago, IL)
I'm a minister from a different denomination and I think Mr.
Armstrong preaches a lot of truth. I'd really like to subscribe
to your PLAIN TRUTH magazine.
G.S. (Belleville, IL)