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The response rates from the CC students, as broken down between the
Canadian French file and the rest of the French file, showed that 35% of the
Canadians responded to Mr. Armstrong's letter, as compared to 23% from the
other French areas. The Canadian French file increased from 882 to 5,079,
an increase of 475.8%. The worldwide French file grew from 2,236 to 4,352,
an increase of 94.6%.
"Le Mende a Venir" broadcasts in French started in Europe in 1960 and since
then there has not been a week without at least three broadcasts, whether on
Radio Luxembourg or on Europe No. 1--both powerful radio stations which can
be heard through much of French-speaking Europe.
In the Caribbean, "Le Mende a Venir" broadcasts have been heard four to five
times each week since May, 1961. At the present, the French broadcasts are
heard on 20 radio stations worldwide, 13 of which are in French-speaking
Canadian Report February turned out to be a busy month, although not as
busy as the corresponding time a year ago. Incoming mail totaled 41,240
pieces, of which 11,410 represented new people contacting the Work request­
ing literature. The incoming mail was down 15%. Outgoing mail was 104,636
pieces, down 22.9% from February, 1982. A year ago we were processing re­
sponses from an advertising campaign and Mr. Armstrong's semiannual letter,
thus we are going against very high figures.
By combining the French and English files, we come up with the following
PLAIN TRUTH subscribers
GOOD NEWS subscribers
YOUTH 83 subscribers
During the first two months of this year we have added 281 new co-workers,
bringing our total to 5,456. During this same period 930 donors have been
added, swelling their numbers to 11,020.
Income for the month was a plus 13.6%. This brought the year-to-date figure
to a healthy 16.7%. Considering the high unemployment still extant in the
country, this is a very encouraging figure.
Negotiations on a new office lease are currently underway.
The slow
economy has put us in a favorable position with rents on office/warehouse
complexes having decreased from their all-time high of a year and a half
The Festival Coordinators traveled to Vancouver for the first of two meet­
ings to be held this year. Preliminary work on the audio-visual hook-up for
the Feast of Tabernacles has already begun. And thanks to the work of Mr.
Keith Stoner who was able to establish new contacts through Ottawa, we
should be given permission to receive the signal directly from the U.S.
satellite and bypass having to use expensive terrestrial lines.
If our
plans come to fruition, we hope to cut last year's cost for T.V. hook-up by
35-40%. Needless to say, we are quite excited about this possibility.
News From Australia
February continued to reflect the upward trend of
God's Work here in Australia and Southeast Asia. The highlight of the month
was Mr. Herbert
Armstrong's Asian trip during which he visited the