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great mineral boom of the Sixties and Seventies is over. The
East of the country is suffering the worst drought
in living
Australians are painfully conscious that, in demographic terms,
they are a small nation of 15 million, defending an awful lot of
territory. They have always been terrified of invasion••.. Now
they fear that, in desperation, they may be forced to seek eco­
nomic refuge in some Japanese "Co-Prosperity Sphere," a fate they
narrowly avoided in 1942....
most Western democracies, Australia expanded her
university system with reckless abandon during the Sixties and is
now paying the price. The swarms of second-rate Marxist dons who
then invaded the campuses turnedout indoctr 1nated pup"'Tis who
today hold key positions throughout the professions, especially
the media ••••
Singling Out Australia's "Victims"
There is a battle underway to impose a new radical culture on traditional
Australian life. It centers on four categories of so-called "victims":
women, homosexuals, aboriginals--and kangaroos!
They might be called,
author Johnson notes, "the Four Horsepersons of the Left Apocalypse."
Australia's traditionally masculine society is now being assaulted by a new
horde of radical women who, increasingly, have the law on their side.
Australia is now being cocooned in a tangle of anti-discrimina­
tory legislation and radical linguistic activists, which beats
anything we have over here [in Britain] ..•• [In New south Wales]
an advertisement which states that "proficiency in English" is
required may be guilty of discriminating against migrants. One
requiring a Higher School Certificate "may discriminate against
intellectually handicapped people." Ads which use "sex specific"
terms ("fireman," "serviceman") are illegal. All words used must
be "sex neutral" or "non-gender specific." Signs, say the rules,
must be censored to avoid offense. The Board cites as an example
of what is unacceptable the sign "Go Straight to the Club Bar,"
on the ground that this could mean "Homosexuals are not welcome
at the Club Bar."
Creating a Race Problem Where None Existed
The left's biggest effort to disrupt Australian society, however,
has gone into creating a nationwide race relations industry, con­
centrating on aboriginal "rights." Tfiere are now probably iiiore
well-paid mTcidle-class radical whites working in this industry,
as researchers, case-workers, legal advisers and civil service
administrators, than there are full-blooded aboriginals with a
secondary education.•.. Wonderful opportunities for trouble­
making are opening up. If the aboriginals are told often enough
that they have good grounds for a riot--almost a social duty to
riot, in fact--they will end by producing a riot of sorts. .[An
aboriginal "riot" was stage-managed at the Commonwealth Games in
Brisbane last October. J Then, inevitably, there will be further
grounds for a campaign against the police and the authorities for
"human rights violations•.••"