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Telecast Has Increasing Impact
As "The World Tomorrow" reaches more and more people, there has been an in­
crease in comments about the effect the program is having on their lives.
They are very much impressed with Mr. Armstrong's clear and straightforward
approach to the Bible as the following phone comments show.
Mr. Armstrong is very impressive. I sat with my eyes and ears
glued to the television set. This is the first time I've ever
seen the program. I was so impressed that I watched it instead of
one of my favorite programs.
Mrs. M.A. (New York, NY)
I just told my sister that Mr. Armstrong kind of frightens me. He
seems to know what he is talking about. These are scary times.
L.B. (Brooklyn, NY)
I really think Mr. Armstrong is doing a great work. I have heard
a lot of comments in the neighborhood. My neighbor wi11 ask,
"Did you hear Mr. Armstrong this morning?"
I.H. (Hogansville, GA)
I've listened to Mr. Armstrong for about two or three months.
Things are pretty rough in this world--a person can't tell the
difference between night and day. It's so confusing� But I like
Mr. Armstrong because he makes it clear. He speaks plain English
and doesn't use words like the others, where you need a diction­
ary to know what they're saying.
E.B. (Chicago, IL)
I think Mr. Armstrong knows more about the Bible than anyone. I
read the Bible but don't really understand it very well. I be­
lieve you should understand what you read, so I listen to Mr.
Armstrong every morning on the radio.
Mrs. J.R. (Texas)
Mr. Armstrong makes sense. He doesn't speak like a minister,
"churchy-churchy." He tells the truth. He scared me to death
today. We need the truth. He should be the president of the
u.s. !
L.K. (Illinois)
I don't attend any church because I'm elderly, but I get more out
of Mr. Armstrong's program than any other on television or any­
where else. He really knows the Bible.
H.J. (Florida)
"The World Tomorrow" has really changed my life in the last few
I was into drugs, and around the end of November I
started listening to Mr. Armstrong. I started thinking about my
life and asking myself, "What am I doing?" I started getting my­
self back together.