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At the same time, one could feel the deep commitment and urgency
of those involved in carrying out the Great Commission with
greater thrust and power worldwide.
Also, Mr. Armstrong's
direction could be felt in all the departments of the Work as
they reflected a spirit of dignity and integrity.
Therefore, my wife and I wish to express our appreciation for
this very profitable second Refreshing Program. It strengthened
and buttressed the sound foundation established for the ministry
in the first Refreshing Program. Our knowledge has been deepened
and we want to thank those very experienced men at Headquarters
who imparted that wisdom and understanding.
Mario and Cathy Seiglie
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Julie and I want to thank you for the success of the two weeks of
Refreshing Program classes and related activities. We will en­
deavour to apply the material and spirit so warmly evident and
exercised by all.
Thank you for the wonderful meals, the
entertainment from local churches and Imperial Schools, and the
administration's evening socials. I hope to have exhausted all
the material your team provided before the next refresher, but I
somehow doubt it since the material and spirit go hand in hand.
This is a great family to be a member of, and it just keeps
growing more meaningful.
Dan and Julie Hope
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Please accept on behalf of your staff and all those who instruc­
ted us at the January Ministerial Refreshing Program our appre­
ciation and thanks for all their efforts and kindness. To see
the importance of our calling as shepherds in such detail was
very sobering; and to be given the spiritual tools to grow as
Christians and lead and protect God's flock was extremely encour­
aging. Then to be given such an appreciation of all that is being
accomplished by God in His Work around the world motivates us to
want to be more diligent in serving the brethren.
The brethren were so pleased to hear how much the Church and
College are back on the track and how much God is opening the
doors for the Gospel to be preached around the world.
We will savour for a long time the physical and spiritual food
and fellowship we enjoyed at Headquarters.
We were served so
ably and kindly in every way--a real example for us to follow!
Thank you again.
Keith and Pam Stoner
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
The spiritual maturity of many of our
people seems to be increasing. More are showing up for Bible
studies and getting more serious about real changes in their
lives. Compared to a few years ago, there has been noticeable