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It was thrilling to see how strongly God and Christ are working
through you in leading the Church, teaching in the College and
preaching the gospel.
We pray for you daily for strength and
wisdom to wear the heavy mantle God has laid on your shoulders.
Keith and Pamela Stoner
Mr. Herbert w. Armstrong:
My wife and I have just returned from the thirteenth session of
the Ministerial Refreshing Program and want to thank you for
having such a program and for allowing us to attend.
It is so
pleasant to be at Headquarters once again and to experience the
esprit de corps and unity that today exists in the ministry. We
thank you for being used to bring it back. The MRP has played a
large role in bringing it back as well.
The men you have ap­
pointed to teach the classes set a fine example and have inspired
us all to work harder and better in the service of Christ. Your
message to us, and especially your heart-to-heart comments at the
end, were much appreciated and will be long remembered.
Dan and Barbara Rogers
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I have never been students at one of God's colleges so
we were all the more thrilled and excited to attend the
thirteenth session of the Refreshing Program. We had the added
blessing of attending along with ministers from the Latin
American countries, enabling us to hear firsthand about brethren
and conditions in other countries where God is doing His work.
The Ambassador campus is beautiful and wherever we went at Head­
quarters we could see God's way producing proper and happy re­
sults. It was a great pleasure to sit alongside the students who
were always beaming and so friendly.
Headquarters continues to set us all a fine example of what con­
ditions in the world tomorrow will be like. We certainly could
see the "back on track" atmosphere throughout the campus. Thank
you for giving us exactly what was needed.
Joe and Bobbi Cheperdak
Mr. Joe Tkach:
Just wanted to take this opportunity to convej and express our
deepest thanks and appreciation to Mr. Armstrong, you, and all
the others involved who made Ministerial Refreshing Program No.
13 such a profitable experience!
It is a joy to come to Headquarters and see the Godly orientation
as refl�cted in the unity and teamwork of all those serving at
the Headquarters of God's workl What an honor we have been given
to serve in the Work and ministry of the most High God!
Kenneth and Barbara Martin