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sparked increased enthusiasm and determination to grow spirit­
ually and finish the Work God has given us to do.
ELKHART, IN--RAND MILLICH: The two tapes by Mr. Armstrong have
really stirred the congregation. Members have been discussing
the messages and talking about the Bible in a much mor-e enthu­
siastic way. I think many were shocked out of lethargy by Mr.
Armstrong's sermons.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Applications for Big Sandy S.E.P.
Mr. Armstrong has recently approved a three-week S.E.P. session
to be held in Big Sandy this summer. The dates of the session are
Wednesday, July 6 through Wednesday, July 27. Any campers who
already had camp
experience in
Orr should strive to apply
for this fantastic program. Activities such as cycling, tennis,
racquetball, and television/video instruction will be offered!
If you have already mailed in your camper application for Orr and
would like to change your application to Big Sandy, please call
(800) 423-4444 if in th� continental United States... If calling
from California, Alaska, or Hawaii please call collect (213) 304-
If you have applied for a worker position at Orr and would like to
change your application to Big Sandy, please call the Y.O.U.
Office at (213) 304-6138 and let us know what area you would like
to work in.
There will be approximately 200 openings for campers at the Big
Sandy camp with the tuition being $225 per camper. Last year the
Big Sandy camp was a tremendous success, so send your application
in to the Y.O.U. Office, or make that phone call without delay.
Remember, camper applications must be postmarked by March 14.
--Kevin Dean, Y.O.U.
Record Growth in WATS TV Response Continues
The strong and growing response to "The world Tomorrow" program has con­
tinued into 1983! In January, a total of 44,485 calls were received as a
result of the telecast. This is the third highest month on record. The
second and third highest weekend responses were also recorded during the
The following chart compares January, 1983 with January, 1982: