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I pray that we all will tighten our belts now, and find ways to
put more money into this Work. It is the most important thing on
earth, and God has blessed us so richly. Enclosed is an offering
over and above the regular tithe and offering.
Mrs. N.W. (Palisade, CO)
God must have been very pleased on Sabbath when we were fasting
and praying. It was a very wonderful experience to be fasting
and praying to our great God with so many others all over the
Mrs. E.E. (Toledo, OH)
Since Mr. Armstrong designated January 1 as a special Sabbath for
fasting and prayer, I feel it also should be a day to give special
thanksgiving and an offering to God.
W.A. (Fort Gordon, GA}
We had no church (service) here on the Sabbath of January 1 on
account of the ice and snow packs on the roads. It was a day of
fasting for all of God's people. I was here all alone, just my
God and me. I really enjoyed it--just studying, praying, medi­
tating on things and fasting. It was good for all of us and we
need to do more of it. Thank you, Mr. Armstrong.
Mrs. A.C. (San Angelo, TX}
Enclosed you will find a special offering in addition to regular
tithes and offerings. This special offering is something we have
chosen to do in conjunction with the fast last Sabbath (January
1). This world desperately needs God's government. The quicker
we get our job done the quicker His government will be set up. We
know God noticed His people fasting and heard our prayers. This
will be a mighty boon for the Work in 1983.
Mr. & Mrs. G.P. (Minneapolis, MN}
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
TWO SAD ANNIVERSARIES In this column last week, the significance of the two
time frames of 1945-1964 and 1964 to the present were noted. The month of
January, 1983 also is significant when looking back at two almost back-to­
back milestone events which occurred a decade ago.
On January 22, 1973 in the case of Roe vs. Wade, the United States Supreme
Court for the first time legalized abortTon nationwide by a 7-2 vote. The
court based its ruling on the concept of a "woman's right to privacy." Thus
this new "right" (which was also described by others as a "woman's right to
control her own body") followed logically in the stream of the nationwide
"rights consciousness" which was launched with the civil rights legislation
in the mid-sixties (analyzed last week}.
On the same day in a companion case, the court, again by
down restrictions on facilities that could be used
trimester (first three months) abortions. The decision
kind of medical facility: the abortion clinic.
a 7-2 vote, struck
to perform first
gave rise to a new