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I am glad that we have the Feast. I had a good time at the Feast
and I hope that you had a good time at the Feast too. Nice talk­
ing--! have to go now. Goodbye.
Rebecca--age 9 (Canton, OH}
Enclosed is fifty cents. This is my first tithe. I won five
dollars in a coloring contest at Albertson's. I am seven years
old and I 1ive in Seattle, Washington.
I take scriptures at
Church. we sure love our minister, Mr. Luker. We especially
love you, Mr. Armstrong, God's apostle. Keep up the good work.
S.B.--age 7 (Seattle, WA)
Thank you for doing God's Work. This tithe dollar says, In God We
Trust, and I do trust God.
J.D.--age 7 (Saginaw, MI)
I'm fasting this January 1st and hoping I'll make it to sunset
tomorrow. I pray for you every day. Our whole family likes the
work you're doing. I really like the way you sign your name.
J.P.--age 10 (Torrance, CA)
I received my first letter and third CORRESPONDENCE COURSE
lesson••••I decided to tithe. I only have a dollar so that's
what I'm sending. My mother tithes too. We just came to the
Church••••By the way I'm an 11-year-old gir1. I'm trying very
much to learn God's Word. I have requested a lot of_ your books.
They help me to grow and live with everything, even my father
(who is a non-believer). My tithe is enclosed.
R.J.--age 11 (Edgewood, MD)
Thank you for the BIBLE STORY you gave to me at the Feast. My
favorite story is the one about Noah and the animals. I hope you
are feeling better. I asked God to heal you.
B.W.--age 4 (Hillsboro, OR)
My name is Kendra and I picked up your magazine in a local grocery
store not too far from where I live. On the way home I read the
story "What is the Worst Sin?" It was very interesting. When I
tell you how old I am you will probably think I do not understand
what this story is talking about, but I think I do. I am 12 years
old. I really think that your magazine is very fascinating. I
told my mother about one of your issues on drugs and alcohol. She
told me that many kids my age are taking drugs. I can't really
believe that's true (but I know it is). Thank you very much.
Kendra--age 12 (Wright City, MO)
I like to give offerings. I am collecting all the booklets and
magazines of the Church. I study the Bible and read the book­
lets. I am eight years old and like Church. Last time I was sick
and could not come because it would make other people sick. I
will come to Church as many times as I can.
E.S.--age 8 (Pasadena, CA)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center