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A little over a month ago, my husband suffered a stroke causing
paralysis of his right arm and leg, and distortion of speech.
His blood pressure soared to 230/180 which could have caused a
massive stroke. But, for some strange reason he only suffered a
slight hemorrhage. I called the local minister and requested
prayer. God heard and in just five weeks my husband can walk with
his walker, and move his arm and hand. His speech is almost as
distinct as before. No one can ever tell me God is not alive!
Mrs. M.O. (Childersburg, AL)
A little over a year ago, we decided to have our first child. We
had our little son shortly before the Feast....A few days later,
I was leaving my son with a sitter for the first time. As soon as
I arrived across town, I received a call saying the baby was
vomiting, had a temperature of 102 and had trouble breathing. I
prayed all the way back, determined not to take him to the
doctor. I was trusting God for his healing.
When I reached the babysitter, I called to have the child
anointed and then went to check on him. He was sleeping comfort­
ably and his temperature was normal.
S.P. (Omaha, NE)
After hearing our pastor reiterate some of the accounts from the
"God Still Works Miracles Today" collection, put together for the
Ministerial Refreshing Program, I thought you might be uplifted
by a miracle in my family. My nephew was dying from a rare and
fatal lung disease called interstitial pneumenitis. When I was
first told about it, the doctors had urged him to make out his
will because he only had weeks or possibly months to live with
his extreme case of the disease.
My sister (not in the Church) gave me this news on a Tuesday morn­
ing or early afternoon. I immediately began fasting and praying.
I also called our minister, who was out at the time on minister­
ial business. He returned my call that night around 11:00 p.m.
He was very comforting and reassuring, and promised to pray for
my nephew.
On Thursday morning, a day and a half later, my sister called
that her son was going to be fine••••The doctors don't know what
happened. We do! God healed him!
The doctors later told my nephew they really hadn't expected him
to live through that weekend. They were so amazed at his recov­
ery, they were going to write about his case in some medical
journal. They probably won't even give God a byline--YET! Some
day they will!
L.O. (South Carver, MA)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
A very significant insight into the objectives of Pope John Paul II is
offered by Kenneth A. Briggs, religion editor of the NEW YORK TIMES. Mr.