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We thank you very much for the most valuable instruction and
profitable experiences you and your staff, together with Mr.
Armstrong, have made available and given us to help us become
better and able ministers in caring for the the flock in the
local congregations. Please extend our high esteem to each and
everyone of them, especially Mr. Armstrong.
We do sincerely appreciate your love and concern for us. We were
truly refreshed, exactly as the title of the program reveals. We
love you and we continually pray for all of you.
Dion and Eling Catchillar
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
FAYETTEVILLE, AR--JOHN R. ELLIOTT: At a recent Church social in
the outdoors, 63 brethren gathered around a television on a wagon
behind a tractor and watched the first World Tomorrow telecast to
be aired in northwest Arkansas! All the brethren are thrilled to
have the broadcast in our area. Previously, all we had was the
radio broadcast fading in and out late at night.
RO ANOKE, VA--ROBERT PERSKY: For the first time in years the
Roanoke area is getting good media coverage. The telecast is on
a strong local channel every Sunday at 7:00 a.m. There is an eye­
catching advertisement each Sunday in the newspaper concerning
the telecast. And, because of the winter season coming on, the
radio broadcasts from distant stations are coming in stronger and
clearer. Brethren are beginning to spot the PT in many loca­
tions. We are distributing over 63 boxes of PTs each month. The
populace is becoming aware of God's Work.
LAKE OF THE OZARKS, MO--JOE E. DOBSON: Many have commented about
how powerful Mr. Armstrong has been on the telecast--really giv­
ing this world a powerful witness. We deeply appreciate getting
the telecast at a good time on a good station.
COEUR D'ALENE, ID--ROGER FOSTER: I have noticed a decrease in
serious marriage problems during the latter half of this year.
This is very encouraging. I think that Mr. Armstrong's focusing
our minds on our being in training to serve as teachers in the
World Tomorrow is a major factor.
It's helping people to get
their minds off of themselves.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK--ARNOLD CLAUSON: The realization that time is
short has really begun to take root in the brethren. Quality of
PMs continues to be much higher than it has been in years past.
JONESBORO, AR--CLYDE KILOUGH: The Feast was a boost to this area
in that the brethren were provoked to good works and increased
involvement. Several men who have been sitting on the fence
joined the Spokesman's Club; others are coming forward asking how
they can serve, etc. Much of this positive response based on be­
ing inspired, encouraged, prodded and corrected at the Feast.
COLUMBUS, IN--STEVE NUTZMAN: Unquestionably, the Feast this year
was most inspiring for the vast majority of the brethren. The
people in this area tend to be rather reserved in their personal