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Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Mr. Joe Tkach:
Gwen and I want to thank you again for the opportunity to come in
for the second Refreshing Program. We found this program to be
instructive, inspiring and corrective. Our thanks also to those
who assisted in presenting the Program. Their efforts are much
All in all, our time spent in Pasadena was very
"refreshing" and inspiring, in spite of the fact that we were not
able to see Mr. Armstrong because of his traveling schedule.
We're already looking forward to the next MRP!
Dave and Gwen Register
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Where do we begin to thank you for being the instrument for re­
kindling, really reigniting, our first love?!
We have thanked
God and have thanked you personally but felt that we must put
something in writing. We particularly want to express our thanks
to Mr. Armstrong for directing us solidly in this way!
Our two weeks at Headquarters were the most refreshing two weeks
of our lives--pure spiritual strengthening, rejuvenation, renew­
al, recuperation and reinvigoration. And it is most exciting to
see the tremendous example that Headquarters is setting for all
of the local Churches and for all the members around the world.
It is quite a challenge for all of us who came in from the far­
flung areas to emulate what we saw, what Jesus Christ is doing
there now. You are setting quite a pace! With Christ's help we
will keep up with you, in unity, in every way.
All kinds of love and appreciation to you and everyone involved
in the Refreshing Program and at Headquarters!
(Pasadena Campus)
John and Nancy Egbert
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
This week we have the twelfth group of ministers and their wives here in
Pasadena on the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
Many have remarked how
inspired they have been by being at Headquarters once again. They have also
remarked how pleased they are to see the dress, grooming and conduct of the
students. It is truly a great blessing to be able to serve in the College
at this time in the history of God's Church.
On Monday afternoon, December 13th, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong spoke to the
ministers and their wives attending the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
His two-hour lecture on the serious times in which we are living, and what
the future holds, was very sobering to all of us.
Today, December 14th, Mr. Armstrong spoke to the students and faculty,
giving an interesting and inspiring panoramic view of the "History of