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Program during 1982. The results of those efforts have been extremely
rewarding in terms of PLAIN TRUTH circulation growth and in dollars saved
by the Work of God.
We now have 14,000 outlets and over 7,000 brethren involved in the program
throughout the United States. The members have dedicated much of their
personal time to the success of the program. If the Church had to pay for
this distribution service through an agency, it would cost us $1,500,000
per year! Through their and the ministry's diligent efforts, the brethren
have brought to the attention of people throughout the U.S. a much greater
awareness of God's truth through the Newsstand Distribution Program. Mr.
Armstrong has stated that a person just picking up The PLAIN TRUTH magazine
at a newsstand outlet has received a witness.
Presently there is a substantial amount of money being invested in the
newsstand program as the result of a decision made last summer by Mr.
Armstrong to expand the newsstand edition to 48 pages, making it identical
to the subscription PLAIN TRUTH. Mr. Armstrong felt that this would allow
for a greater variety of material to appeal to a broader spectrum of
readers, therefore increasing newsstand response through broader reader
interest. Therefore, this increase in the size of the newsstand edition
will be our newsstand expansion for 1983.
We are in the process of reviewing our total distribution in the U.S. in
order to maximize the program. Unfortunately, because of limited funds at
this time, we are unable to accommodate the numerous requests that are
coming in asking for extra magazines for the various outlets around the
country. However, your requests will be considered in this study, and if at
that time we can reallocate magazines to your respective areas, it will be
In 1983 we will need to draw upon your expertise and dedication even more
than in 1982. We will be working towards maximizing public awareness to the
magazine and improving its visibility through better, more prestigious out­
lets. Further information on this subject will be forthcoming in our Cir­
culation/Newsstand Newsletter. Keep up the good work!
PT Receives Unusual Visibility In Oregon
The GAZETTE-TIMES of Corvallis, Oregon, Tuesday, November 16, 1982 carried
a headline in the sports section, "OSU's Taylor Barks Plain Truth." Mr.
Lionel Taylor, assistant football coach for Oregon State, while addressing
an audience at Nendel's Inn in Corvallis regarding the background of Oregon
State's football problems, appeared before the audience clutching a PLAIN
TRUTH magazine in his hands. After addressing the crowd with a very lively
commentary regarding his football status, it was reported that Mr. Taylor
ended his speech by stating that he hoped his football team's record would
change with the upcoming Saturday afternoon game. With that concluding
remark, Taylor was reported as picking up his PLAIN TRUTH magazine and sit­
ting down.
The newspaper article was sent to us by Mr. David Mills, Pastor of the Salem
and Albany, Oregon churches, who noted that we had a display of our maga­
zines in the Nendel's Inn, where apparently Mr. Taylor picked up his copy of