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echoed the Pontiff's words on severe international problems,
ranging from economic recession to terrorism.
It is noteworthy that so few news sources reported on the momentous remarks
by the Pope on his last day in Spain. Neither TIME nor NEWSWEEK magazines
had anything to report on the finale, the reason being that they had both
reported on the first week or so of the pope's trip but by the time their
next issues came out President Brezhnev of the Soviet Union had died. The
editors of both publications chose to run "specials" on the changeover in
the U.S.S.R., dropping other international news including the conclusion of
the papal trip. Thus the impact of the pope's concluding remarks escaped
most of the world's news media. We, in fact, had to wait until our arrival
in England to receive news of this important last day in Spain.
European Unity Corning
On this trip, Mr. Armstrong has seen more than ever before the outline of
European unity. In Athens, Greece, Mr. Armstrong delivered a powerful
address to the Rotary Club. Many influential people, including company
presidents and professional people were present. Mr. Armstrong told them
that the day before, a leading Greek politician had told him that European
unity would lead to world peace. Mr. Armstrong showed the Rotarians how
this was true, albeit in a different manner than the gentleman had intended
it. European unity, Mr. Armstrong said, is coming and it is indeed a
prophesied event that will occur before the return of Jesus Christ and the
institution of the Kingdom of God.
Mr. Armstrong also stressed the need for key nations from both Eastern and
Western Europe to play a role in this coming united Europe. He emphasized
the importance of Church unity between the Roman Catholic and the Eastern
Orthodox spheres.
After the meeting, Mr. Ellis LaRavia, who had arranged the events in Greece
for that part of the trip, met with several of the Athens Rotarians. They
were quite moved by Mr. Armstrong's message. Particularly noteworthy were
the comments by the Athens Rotary Club President, who also is president of a
big Greek shipping company, Hellenic Lines.
This gentleman told Mr. LaRavia to tell Mr. Armstrong that little that is
substantial stands in the way of unity between the Roman Catholic Church
and the Eastern Orthodox bodies. The Orthodox community, he claimed, is
ready to submit to the authority of the pope, but the infallibility of the
pope remains an obstacle yet to be hurdled.
Also while in Athens, Mr. LaRavia had a 45-minute conversation with Otto
von Hapsburg the day before Mr. Armstrong arrived. Dr. von Hapsburg, a
longtime advocate of European unity and a descendant of the Hapsburg
dynasty (the fifth resurrection of the Roman Empire) was in Athens for a
special session of the European Parliament of which he is a member. He told
Mr. LaRavia he would very much like to meet Mr. Armstrong and to visit
Ambassador College, perhaps next summer.
Which Type of Unity Will Bring Peace?
The economic, military and religious unity of Europe is coming.
Armstrong expressed this very forcefully yesterday in hfs sermon to the