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Postage Rates Rolled Back--Work Saves Over $100,000!
In this day of inflation and ever-spiraling costs, we are happy to report
that God's Work has benefitted substantially from a decrease in postal
rates. Last July 28 the nonprofit bulk mail rates were lowered due to a
special subsidy voted by the U.S. Congress. As a result, the rate for a
piece of mail dropped from 5.9 to 4.9 cents.
Since July, over five million pieces of mail have been sent from Pasadena
and three issues of The PLAIN TRUTH have been mailed at the lower rates.
The total savings to the Work has amounted to over $100,000. The nonprofit
rate is expected to increase in December, but in the meantime God's Work in
the second half of 1982 has received this unexpected blessing.
Gratitude Expressed for God's Blessings
In view of Mr. Armstrong's recent exhortations to be thankful for God's
blessings, we are featuring letter comments which show that many members
and coworkers are indeed grateful to be a part of God
s true Church and
Work, as well as for His blessings.
About three years ago, God in His love led me to The PLAIN TRUTH.
A year and a half later, I started attending Sabbath services.
Yesterday, I was baptized.
Thank you for your hard work and
efforts to make the Gospel known. I want to write of all the
changes that have taken place in my life as a result of learning
God's Truth, but my eyes tear up. All I can say is, thank you,
dear Mr. Armstrong, and may the great God of this universe con­
tinue to guide all of us as the time draws nearer to the return of
His Son.
Mrs. S.R. (Orlando, FL)
My husband and I were recently baptized. It is beyond words how
we feel being a part of God's Church and His Work. We thank God
every day for calling us and giving us the most precious gift
ever to exist.
Mr. & Mrs. T.N. (Jacksonville, AL)
Thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for the benefit of your years of re­
search and Bible study under Jesus Christ. We are like the late
laborers in the field who received the same pay as those who
labored all day. Thank you for leading the Worldwide Church of
God--we are especially privileged to be members.
Mr. & Mrs. C.A. (Gobles, MI)
I am very thankful for your articles in The PLAIN TRUTH and YOUTH
82 magazines. I am soon going to be thirteen years old and can
hardly wait to be in Y.O.U. I am very thankful that I am in the
Worldwide Church of God. I am very sure that there is nothing
like it. I can remember seven years ago when I was not in the
Church. The only children I saw that were my age or close to it,
were my relatives and the only time I saw them was once a year.
The friends I made back then have either stopped going to Church
or moved away.
But the new people kept coming.
I have more
friends now than I have ever had in my life.