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Bible study that followed. She also traveled to Minneapolis for
the Day of Atonement.
MIDLAND, MI--GERALD WESTON: We had a dramatic intervention from
God in this area just before the Feast. A woman escaped serious
injury when a two gallon can of gasoline ignited in her hands,
spilling gas and flames on her. In spite of becoming a flaming
torch, she managed to run 30 feet to a door where she disposed of
the flaming can.
Her clothes were burned off, some hair was
singed, her fingernails were burned back to the quick.
looked like she had a slight sunburn, but no serious burns--only
a few very small blisters that disappeared in a day or two. It
was truly remarkable!
COLUMBUS (PM), OH--ROBERT DICK: General attitude in the Church
is one of involvement. People want to participate and be active
in Church activities. Spokesman Club response was high enough to
create two clubs for the first time in over 10 years!
SCOTTSBLUFF, NE--CHUCK ZIMMERMAN: Many here have been in their
third tithe year.
Generally all have been blessed.
businesses are succeeding and families seem more responsive and
Holy Day offerings held up very
well and indicated the members are being blessed in spite of the
economic slow down.
Despite extremely high
unemployment in this area, God has blessed with employment those
who are faithful to Him. I feel God's people here are holding up
quite well because of the promises of God. People outside, in
comparison, have no hope.
In one small county (Harlan), 13
people have committed suicide since March--seven last week!
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Postal Center Completes Largest Letter Mailing in Work's History
Mr. Armstrong's recent semiannual letter was mailed to 1,758,313 U.S.
PLAIN TRUTH subscribers, including coworkers and members. This makes it
the largest letter mailing in this present era of God's Work.
Obtaining enough envelopes for the entire mailing appeared an impossible
task due to a September strike among envelope companies. Also, the high
volume of political mailings just prior to the midterm U.S. elections had
absorbed most of what was available. But after prayer and much diligent
searching, several suppliers were found and the needed envelopes arrived
just in time.
Later this month over 250,000 more letters--in English, French and Spanish
--will be prepared and shipped from Pasadena. This will mean that a total
of over 2,000,000 copies of Mr. Armstrong's letter will have gone out--a
new all-time record!