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of renewals due to be mailed early in November. Over 7,500 responses have
now come in from the July semiannual, a return of 20%.
Economic conditions in New Zealand are very tough at present, with a year­
long wage and price freeze having recently been imposed by the government.
September's income showed an excellent increase of 20.5%, but October's in­
come was 3.8% down from last October. Income for the year to date is now
running at 12.5% increase over last year.
New visit requests are corning in very well nationwide. The number of new
visits made by the ministry this year is 25% higher than last year.
An exciting opportunity for New Zealand brethren after this year's Feast
was to hear Mr. Herbert Armstrong's voice corning out loud and clear over the
airwaves in this country once again. The broadcast is being aired weekly on
four stations, and responses to it have begun to come in.
In addition, the brethren are now looking forward very much to Mr. Gerald
Waterhouse's visit in mid-November.
German Office Report In October the Feast of Tabernacles dominated Church
activities. On opening night, October 1, a total of 900 brethren attended
in Bonndorf, West Germany and in Brno, Czechoslovakia. Also among those
present were 262 transfers from overseas who celebrated this year's Feast
with their German-speaking brethren.
Guest speakers, inspiring sermons and exciting activities made the 1982
Feast of Tabernacles a truly profitable and memorable event for all.
Despite the economic pressures on brethren here, the Feast offerings total­
ed 12.4% more than last year, although attendance figures had only slightly
From October 13 to 17, Mr. John Halford and his family visited the Bonn
office. During his two week fact-finding trip through Europe before and
after the Feast, he toured such cities as Vienna, Munich, Berlin, Bonn,
Trier and Luxembourg, among others� During the Feast he spoke in Brno and
saw some major cities and sites in Czechoslovakia. In Bonn he and his wife
viewed a live congressional debate in the German "Bundestag" (Parliament),
escorted by Mrs. Helene Hennig, wife of PLAIN TRUTH photographer, Mr.
Alfred Hennig.
From October 16 to 18 the Deputy Chancellor of Ambassador College in Pasa­
dena, Mr. Raymond McNair and his wife Eve, also visited the Bonn office. On
Sabbath, October 17, Mr. McNair gave an inspiring sermon on the "origin and
destiny" of nations, relating many colorful impressions of his recent tour
through Europe.
Also visiting the office just after the Feast was editorial staff and
Ambassador College faculty member, Mr. Keith Stump, and his family.
During the month of October mail increased over last year in all areas ex­
cept in Media. Regular mail showed a 76% increase over 1981, donation mail
increased 58%. Only media or white mail showed a slump compared to last
year. The cause is simply the later starting date for our major fall adver­
tising. This fall we are planning a major flyer advertising campaign in